Friday 24 May 2013

The 3D printed gun conspiracy

It is interesting to note that certain mainstream news media outlets are entering the debate on the availability of 3D printing technology to the general public. 3D printing has been around in industry for about thirty years, and has traditionally been used for rapid prototyping and small scale production runs. There are a number of different methods of 3D printing but the technology that has brought this technology to the attention of the public is fused filament fabrication. This method takes a drum of plastic filament and heats and extrudes it into thin, bonded layers typical onto a heated build plate. The key reason for this sudden increase in interest is that this technology has now been brought to a price point and level of simplicity that makes it available to almost anyone.

Take the Robuster, a desktop 3D printer manufactured in the UK by RP Techworks. It retails at £1500 and the plastic filament comes in at about £40 per kilo. Not what anyone would call expensive for something that is essentially an industrial prototyping machine. The ease of use is incredible too. From a 3D computer design, many thousands of which are readily available online if you aren’t a designer yourself, the software that ships with this machine automates the process of preparing the image for building and controlling the unit itself, so in literally a couple of mouse clicks anyone could be building a 3D model of anything, from a lampshade to a fully working 3D gun. This is the part that is causing all the media hyperbole.

You can imagine the news stories, even if you haven’t seen them. A working gun, unregistered, uncontrolled, unlicensed, made of plastic so it will pass metal detectors. Certain sections of the press are having a field day, but isn’t that rather missing the point? In the US where this technology is taking hold faster than almost anywhere else in the World the legitimately held guns are far more of an issue than a few hobbyist who are exploring the possibilities of a new technology. No-one in their right mind would actually rely on a firearm created on a 3D printer and made of plastic, and certainly not when the real thing is so ubiquitous and a great deal safer and more reliable.

So why the level of panic in the press? Could it perhaps be that it is better for the elite to make us fear each other than to fear our rulers? If we are scared of our neighbours and what they might be up to then we are less likely to get together into groups and challenge authority. By separating us we are kept isolated and therefore weaker. Isn’t this somewhat more credible than a vast army of secretive terrorists beavering away making dodgy plastic guns to wreak havoc on society?

Wednesday 30 January 2013

The enslavement of the middle and working classes

Have you ever wondered why it is that despite bringing the global economy to its knees and destroying the lives of millions no bankers have been prosecuted for their actions outside Iceland? Have you ever stopped and thought, as you walk down the high street, “Where did all these betting shops come from? How have they got planning permission?” Have you ever watched a primetime television advert break and thought “How is it legal for loan companies to charge interest rates in excess of 2000% per year? Aren’t there laws about loan sharking?” If you have pondered on these changes in the UK highstreet and financial markets you have probably also wondered why, despite the bank of England interest rate remaining at an unprecedented 0.5%, the high street banks are charging higher interest on loans, mortgages and overdrafts than before the banking collapse. You’ll probably have done a little research and some reading around.

It is almost certain that the answers you have found have been unsatisfying to say the least. Bankers can’t really be prosecuted as individuals because they were as much victims of the prevalent banking culture as we were. Licensing and planning laws are enforced by local authorities, not national government, and the increase in betting shops, pawn brokers, cash converters and payday loan companies is the only way to keep shop fronts from becoming empty. As to the loan shark rates of interest, well, the loans are only short term and are really quite reasonable rates when you consider who the money is being lent to, or so you would be led to believe from even quite an in depth analysis of these issues.
The truth is somewhat darker, and ties in the ruling global families with the military-industrial complex and the sinister forces that hold power tightly from behind a veil of secrecy. In reality there has been a move within these power brokers that started in the post war era of the 1950’s and accelerated rapidly through the 1970’s and ‘80’s and is still accelerating today. Let us consider a brief history of 1950’s Britain. We had come through a conflict of global proportions, heavily damaged in terms of economic and political power. The Russian and US blocs were dominant and we were still gripped by rationing and austerity. Within this climate there emerged a growing culture of trade unionism, far left politics, bolshevism and an attempt by the proletariat to wrest some of the power back from the hands of politicians and the Monarchy. It was clear to those in power that if this was allowed to continue then the implications globally would be catastrophic for those traditionally holding power. Something had to be done!

It started with the development of mind and mood altering drugs. At the heart of the development of LSD, stronger strains of cannabis, refinements in cocaine and opium derivatives and so on are the large multinational drug companies, funded by a cabal of private investors. You only have to look at the scale of these companies and the way in which money is funnelled through them in secret, ostensibly to protect against industrial espionage but in reality to hide exactly what a lot of that money is funding. Look further at the experiments carried out by UK, US and Russian scientists and chemists on uninformed, non-consenting test subjects throughout this period. It is clear that there was something very much amiss.

The situation changed dramatically through the 1960’s and ‘70’s with the rise of various counterculture movements in music, the arts, even science. The development of trade unions flexing their muscles with national and international strikes, the environmentalism movement, hippies, beatniks, social drop-outs led to a pressing need to retain control amongst the elite, so plans were formulated to keep the masses enslaved, controlled, managed. This took the form of a multi-headed attack on the middle and lower classes. Education standards were lowered, but always quietly, and with the cover story that education was about inclusion for the least able, even if this was at the expense of the most able. At the same time, the concept of a “Job for life” was eroded until the overwhelming emotion felt by the working population was fear. Fear of losing their job, their income, fear of not being able to get a job, and perhaps worse, that their children may not be able to get jobs. So we put up with more in our workplaces, gradually becoming more subservient to our overlords.

Combined with these came the increase in the pervasive presence of technology, in the home, the workplace, out on the streets, a World full of bright flashing lights, noise, bustle to distract and confuse us, and a World full of monitoring and surveillance to track those of us who refused to be cowed. Think of the reports of employee blacklists within the construction, health, education and finance sectors. If you were considered to difficult or challenging you would veryt quickly find opportunities to work drying up. This theme continues today, with anyone challenging the status quo branded a whistle-blower and blocked from employment by tacit agreement between business leaders. So, we have a frightened workforce, monitored and tracked and to this we add the next layer of control; finance. Over the 1980’s and ‘90’s there was a colossal credit bubble, fuelled by the idea that house prices could only ever rise. Ordinary people were encouraged to borrow against their property beyond its value in the expectation that the value would keep on rising inexorably higher. Of course, we know this was a nonsense, to be fair we knew it all along, but we were being conditioned to be aspirational, to want the latest and greatest, and more importantly to want it now. This isn’t just the fault of advertisers, but of the elite pulling the strings.
By keeping us uneducated, fearful, trapped by spiralling debt we have become unable as well as unwilling to truly challenge authority, but it is not too late. It is never too late. Stop buying so much crap! Stop voting for the same carbon copy clone politicians, stop allowing yourself to be spoon fed the latest celebrity reality show and start going to your local library and start reading books before they are all replaced with e-readers! Make a stand, make a choice, and take back control of your life today!

Saturday 28 July 2012

Freemasonry and secret histories – Ancient Prehistory

According to the official records of the Grand Lodge of England the first Grand Lodge was established in London on 24th June 1717 at a dinner organised by four existing lodges of freemasons. The earliest masonic text has been dated to 1390 in the form of a poem known as the “Regius Manuscript” giving details of geometry and guidance as to the operation of a lodge and the role of the master. Although the exact origins of the movement that we know today as freemasonry are shrouded in mystery there are some known points of reference. It is clear that written references to the association of masons into fraternal brotherhoods was occurring on an ad hoc basis for many years before the structure of an overarching organisation was established. It is also clear from looking at the style, format and operation of masonic lodges that many of the ceremonies and offices refer back to antiquity, but what there has never been is a clearly defined link between freemasonry as it is practised today and the origins of masonry as a material construction practise.

Looking at this from the other direction we see a clear distinction between the construction techniques of early civilisations of the Indus Valley in India and the Mesopotamian area of Bablyon, Ur and Kush where buildings, both domestic and monumental were constructed of baked mud bricks and ceramic tiles, and the slightly later civilisation of Ancient Egypt where for the first time we see monumental structures created from carved stone blocks. It may seen odd that Egypt was a region that began building in stone given that, as with the Mesopotamian and Indus Valley regions, the area of occupation was largely based around fertile river flood plains, and many domestic Egyptian buildings retained the mud brick construction, as did many of the mastaba tombs and early temple structures. There have been any number of suggestions about where the inspiration to carve stone into blocks and use them to build monumental structures but the most likely source seems to be the introduction of technology from an earlier era in the late neolithic, a time when several European populations were developing the use of large blocks of worked stone to create megalithic stone circles. It is interesting to note the similarity between the construction and stone working techniques used in the construction of Stonehenge for example, and the techniques used to erect lintel stones in Egyptian Temple structure doorways.

Taking these two threads from opposite directions, the question arises, could there be a ancient European tradition of stone working, as a precursor to masonry into which the modern freemasonry movement taps? If this were the case it raises several interesting thoughts, thoughts which have parallels in accusations levelled at freemasons throughout their official history. For many years freemasons have been suspected of holding esoteric knowledge, and of practising pagan religions, these accusations rising to suggestions of Satanism and Witchcraft, and if there were a link to prehistoric stone workers then we are looking at an organisation with roots in pre-Christian Europe, a Europe described by the Christian Romans as barbaric, heathen, Pagan and known from Greek and Roman historians to practise blood sacrifices to horned deities. It certainly seems to be at least a possibility that the insistence of masonic lodges that they are not Christian organisations, venerating the “Great Architect” rather than the Christian God, and the use of ritualised ceremonies that have been used, in a modified form by Occultists for the last three hundred years at least may owe something to a retained and secret history of the religious practices of pre-Christian Europe, combined with the secret religions of Ancient Egypt with its beliefs in immanent Gods in a polytheistic pantheon.

It is unlikely that evidence for such a link would be known, even the majority of todays freemasons, given the necessity for secrecy over the last two millennia of the rise of Christianity and the Catholic Church, but it does lead to some interesting possible explanations for some of the more unusual aspects of freemasonry today.

Wednesday 25 July 2012

The Templar conspiracy – An introduction

There is a theory that history repeats itself in cycles, and a consequence of this is that it is often valuable to consider historical events as a means to understanding modern situations. To this end it is perhaps worth considering one of the greatest mysteries of mediaeval Europe, the rise and fall of the Order of the poor fellow-knights of Christ and of the Temple of Jerusalem, or as they are more often referred to, The Knights Templar. Founded in the 12th Century and endorsed by the Catholic church the order was created specifically to provide protection for pilgrims travelling to the Holy Lands from the Islamic Ottoman Empire. Founded by Hugues de Payens and provided with quarters by King Baldwin of Jerusalem, the Knights began from a base within the ruins of the Temple of Solomon and were a group of nine Knights devoted to the Christian Church and to the defence of Christian enclave in Jerusalem. Founded on the principles of poverty and chastity in the monastic tradition, the first members of the order were well connected through St Bernard of Clairvaux, the nephew of one of the founding Knights and it was through this connection that the order received its Papal blessing.

The order quickly became a popular charity amongst Christians and received grants of money and land from wealthy pilgrims. In addition, the order quickly developed a reputation for valour in battle, primarily based around their refusal to countenance surrender in combat. This reputation led many new Knights to request entrance to the order, and in the process of joining they gave their lands and wealth to the order. The rapid expansion and development created an opportunity for the growth of a network of forts, castles and fortified churches throughout the Holy Land and across much of Europe, particularly in France, Germany and Great Britain. Through the network they were also able to create an entirely new financial system based around protecting travellers from robbery. Before departing on a journey, a wealthy traveller could deposit funds with a local Templar outpost and receive a promissory note that could be redeemed from another outpost on arrival at the destination, thereby minimising the amount of money that travellers had to carry. The Templars would retain a small percentage of the transaction and over time built up vast estates and huge wealth.

By the 14th Century the order was in a position to be one of the largest financiers of the mediaeval period and provided funding for, amongst others King Phillip IV of France, and it is this vast wealth and power that raises questions regarding the order and its demise. Even at the time there were stories of the Templars conducting excavations as part of their occupation of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and rumours that they had discovered incredible religious relics and documents including the Ark of the Covenant and the Holy Grail. It was thought that these discoveries along with documents pertaining to the life of Christ had given the Templars incredible power within the Church and that this was in part responsible for their demise. In 1307, on Friday 13th October in a simultaneous operation across France Templar strongholds were raided by the French Army under the orders of Phillip IV supported by a Papal edict from Pope Clement accusing the order of Heresy and Idolatry. The Knights of the order were arrested including their leader Jacques de Molay, and under extreme torture confessed to crimes including spitting on the cross, denying Christs divinity and worshipping a severed head or Baphomet. The leaders of the order were executed by burning alive and the lands and wealth of order were claimed by the French King, with a suitable donation to the Church.

The story of the Templar Knights and the mystery surrounding their discoveries in the Holy Land, their rise to power and the brutality and severity of their demise raise many questions that researchers and historians have been arguing over for the last six hundred years and over the coming weeks we will be examining some of the best theories and discussing the key evidence of the Templars, their history and their legacy which is still being felt today.

Tuesday 24 July 2012

The conspiracy of the medicated generation

According to the official figures one in four of the UK population will suffer from some form of mental health problem and many will be prescribed one of the many pharmacological drug treatments to alleviate symptoms and control the underlying conditions. The trouble is that these figures don't give the real picture, for two reasons. Firstly the figures are for the UK population as a whole, rather than split out into age groups, and secondly the figures fail to demonstrate change over time, and these are serious omissions. When you drill down further into the figures and explore the age aspect and the rate of change the story is strangely similar. In the under 40 age group the rate of mental health issues rises to an almost unbelievable one in two for women and one in three for men, the sex discrepancy being almost certainly due to mens reticence to discuss mental health concerns with medical professionals. Having established this rather higher figure it will come as no surprise that the number of people at any one time with a mental health disorder is rising sharply.

Now, there are several valid reasons for this including the increased awareness of mental illness, the campaigns to remove some of the stigma of a diagnosis of mental illness and a better understanding amongst medical professionals of the symptoms and indicators of mental health issues. However, even taking all of these reasons into account there is still a discrepancy between the figures and the number of people being diagnosed and therefore medicated, so the question is, why is this the case? The background to this lies with the pharmaceutical industry. For many years there has been a schism between drug manufacturers and doctors in that doctors, through their training and the Hippocratic oath are bound to attempt to heal their patients ills, whilst the drug companies are bound by their owners and shareholders to maximise profit. This dichotomy represents most strongly in the understanding that people who are well tend not to require the products made by the drug company so doctors making people well adversely affects drug company profits.

There is no clearer area of this than in the field of mental health. Through control and manipulation of the medical establishment the drug companies have been able to drive legislation and therefore prescription criteria. The way that this works is by funding universities and research institutes, alongside infiltrating the upper echelons of government legislature thereby creating a situation in which doctors are actively encouraged by drug companies and advised by institutions funded by drug companies to prescribe drugs for mental health conditions that would be better treated with counselling or therapy, drugs that alleviate symptoms in preference to ones which will effectively treat the condition, and drugs that serve little or no purpose as a treatment for the condition in question. Of course, there is another, more sinister aspect to this story. The medications that are used to treat many of these conditions have a range of side effects including decreased motivation, decreased libido, decreased intellectual and critical faculties and reduced ability to function effectively. Now, who could possibly benefit from side effects such as these? Who stands to gain from large sections of what have been the most politically active sections of society being reduced in their capacity to protest? Answers on a postcard please....

The Vampire conspiracy – Why Vampires have become so popular

The last ten years has seen an incredible resurgence in the popularity of Vampire stories. Not since the late 19th Century and the publication of Bram Stokers Dracula in 1897 have they been such a feature of life. The question is why? The answer lies in one of the fundamental features of the Vampire in myth and legend, and drives to the heart of one of the biggest conspiracies of the modern age. At its core the Vampire is a metaphor for lasciviousness, the easy elegance, the smouldering eyes, the laissez faire attitude to common decency and morals and of course the bite, the anticipation of the touch of lips on the delicate flesh of an exposed neck, the sharp, intoxicating pain of the first bite, the delirious sensation of lifes fluid being drained to the point of death and rebirth are deeply erotic. This is key to their popularity as there has been a hidden agenda activated through the media in the form of music, film and literature to create a diversion in public attention from the reality of modern life by instilling an increasing interest in sexuality that would have been highly questionable in earlier times.

So, where is this drive coming from, and why is it happening. There has long been a suspicion amongst alternative thinkers that the global elite have an aim of creating a single unified global community effectively enslaving the masses to the benefit of the elite. In order to achieve this enslavement there is a need to create a mindset amongst the vast bulk of the population that allows for willing acceptance of that slavery. One of the clearest links from a sexual perspective is the popularisation of the BDSM lifestyle. Within that lifestyle there is a subset that engages in dominance and submission and that is the start point from which the elite seek to manage peoples minds, but a fondness for kink is not enough on its own. Alongside this there is a need to implant the suggestion that the possibility exists of a willing but involuntary submission to a master so powerful that dissension is impossible. What better way of implanting that message than by utilising perhaps the ultimate defiler of virtue, the beast, the master, the dominant force that is the Vampire.

Taking a start point from the mesmeric presence of Stokers eponymous Count and his ability to corrupt absolutely the innocents around him, the elite have been behind the funding and development of the Vampire legend through the early Hollywood films of the golden age of cinema with Nosferatu, to the Hammer Horror films of the 1950's and '60's the heyday of Christopher Lees near perfect portrayal, to the modern interpretations of the Twilight Saga. There can be little doubt that these films demonstrate a progression in the level of seduction, the level of control exerted by the Vampire, nor that the elite, through established links with the major media outlets have a means to effect this conspiracy. What is interesting is that we are now seeing a change in pace in the Vampire epic with increasing brutal in Thirty Days of Night and the Russian Nightwatch, Daywatch, Twilightwatch trilogy. What this suggests is that the process of implantation of the submissive aspect of the plan is nearing completion and the next stage has begun. That next stage is to be the acceptance of the brutal, controlling police state that will be part of the New World Order, and the utter submission to the whims of the Elite, where each persons life or death lies in the hands of another as surely as the victim trapped in Draculas hypnotising glare.

Sunday 22 July 2012

Freemasonry and secret histories – an introduction

There are some strange gaps in our knowledge of ancient history, particularly around the construction of some of the Worlds most iconic structures. Across the globe there are monumental buildings created from immense blocks of stone, often moved great distances by our ancestors using the most basic tools. Now it is true that in some cases we have written evidence from primary sources about the way in which these structures were created, but it is interesting to note that there are often conflicting reports or sections of description missing. As an example we have texts from ancient Egypt describing the quarrying of the stone blocks used for pyramids and temples, we have examples of the tools used and we know how blocks were moved within the quarry, but on the subject of how the blocks were moved to site, and how they were integrated into the structure and perhaps most importantly, how and why the structures were positioned as they were. Given the importance the Egyptian society placed on record keeping this seems rather odd. Then there are the stories of the construction of the both the Tower of Babel and the Gardens of Babylon. Again the Mesopotamian peoples were renowned for keep meticulous notes, and there are hundreds of thousands of clay tablets detailing every aspect of daily life, yet on the subject of these epic building projects which must have taken many years and many thousands of workers the tablets refer to myth and legend.

The same is true of the reports of the construction of the Temple of Solomon with stories of the great and wise King employing demons controlled by a magical ring. So we have missing evidence where we should have complete reports, but more than that we have some strange situations when it comes to reports of the designers and architects of antiquity. The best example is from Egypt again, where we see the same name cropping up over and over again across vast periods of time. This suggests that either our sense of chronology is badly wrong, or that the name Imhotep is a title of office rather than an individuals name, or that there is something more unusual going on. There have been many suggestions that the possibility of intervention by a more advanced race, possible extra terrestrial in origin exists. Certainly there is at least circumstantial evidence of the use of technology that we believe was not available during these periods, as seen in the metalwork reported to be found within the sloping shafts of the Great Pyramid at Giza and in the accuracy of the positioning of key monuments and the preparation of the initial groundworks.

So, how is this linked to freemasonry, a movement that officially has a history that only goes back to the 17th Century in Europe? The secret is in the symbolism. Talking to senior Freemasons reveals that there is a belief that the use of Egyptian and Sumerian symbols within was created by the founders of the movement, and that the use of Solomonic scenes during initiation refers to the concept of King Solomon as the personification of the Great Architect, yet the story of Hiram Abif is rather more complex and suggests a narrative lineage directly linked through the rise of the Roman and later the Ottoman Empire and discovered by the Crusader Knights during the 11th and 12th Centuries and brought back to Europe. Certainly the principles and goals of Freemasonry and the insistence on secrecy with the movement hint at something more than a simple fraternal society, and the links between Freemasonry, politics and the Catholic church make you wonder exactly what secrets came back from the Holy Land, and what exactly it was that led to so many intriguing deaths and mysterious charges against certain religious orders. From the Friday 13th plot to destroy the Knights Templar to the ritual murder of Italian banker Roberto Calvi there are many examples of a hidden history lying beneath the benign surface of this most elusive and closeted movement.