Thursday, 7 June 2012

Flat screen TVs and mind control

Have you noticed that you are more tired when you wake up after an evening sat in front of you plasma or LCD TV than you used to before you got it? Have you experienced more vivid and disturbing dreams? Have you noticed that your dog or cat pays far more attention to your flatscreen than your old cathode ray tube (CRT) TV set? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, and I strongly suspect that to be the case then you may want to read on carefully. A little science first. Plasma and LCD TVs work in a distinctly different way to CRT sets. They generate a far higher electromagnetic field which interacts with mammalian brains and particularly with the pituitary gland and the limbic system. For years the elite have been experimenting with mind control through subliminal messages, and while it has been shown to work in some cases, typically 85% of any given population are to some extent resistant to the manipulation. Work carried out under Project MKULTRA, project Montauk and project Bluebeam demonstrated that a subjects susceptibility to subliminal mind control could be significantly enhanced by a combination of pharmaceutical drugs and electromagnetic stimulation of certain brain centres.

So, the industrial-military complex got busy. They needed a way of getting a device into everyones homes that they could control and that could generate a sufficient EM field to create a sufficient effect, and at the same time a way of getting doses of a designer neurological chemical to an entire population. The answer was a combination of genius and madness. The water that you drink from the tap, that nice healthy fluorinated water gets you a nice health dose of LSD/MDMA derived psychoactive that puts your mind into a receptive state. Your 42” plasma TV emits a very specific EM pulse that weakens your resistance. There is just one more step in the process. You'll have seen the reports that digital TV is the way in which better picture, more choice, more channels and better programming are going to be sent to you. Well guess who is behind the development of digital TV? Guess who it is who is arranging for the switch off of analogue transmitters so that even if you stick to your old CRT set you still have to add a set top box that just happens to emit the same EM frequency as the flatscreen. Coincidence eh?

That lovely clean digital TV signal has another benefit, but not for you. It is far easier to modify a digital signal than it is to modify an analogue one, or to put it another way, it is far easier to embed extra signals into a digital feed, extra content that your newly susceptible mind laps up greedily. So the next time you go out and overspend on your credit card, the next time you overeat, the next time you buy a lottery ticket or feed coins into the slot machine at the bar, just stop for a moment and ask yourself why? Did you really want to? Or is somebody else making your decisions for you? Just to make sure you get a really good nights sleep, just wait till your brand new “intelligent” digital TV arrives and you are constantly connected to the internet. Now thats two way traffic. You'll be sat watching TV and every channel you flick to, every show you watch, every youtube video, website and forum you go on will be monitored, and as if that wasn't enough, did you know that all “intelligent” TVs have a miniature webcamera built in to them? Big brother truly is watching you! Better go easy on that “adult” content from now on eh?

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