early part of the ongoing CIA mind control experiment, project
Monarch brought together key Nazi scientists brought to the US under
project Paperclip to create the ultimate intelligence asset. An asset
that was not aware of its own role, the ultimate secret agent,
completely ordinary, unknown and unknowing until triggered by a key
word or phrase. The idea behind project Monarch came out of a desire
to create infiltration agents in all aspects of significant economic,
military, governmental and social agencies. These agents would be
undetectable as even they would not know their true role until
actvated, and would return to their previous existence once
deactivated. In order to achieve this a multi-phase project was
established. It was clearly initially that the most likely solution
to achieve the desired result was a form of deeply embedded hypnotic
suggestion, but it was also known that standard hypnotic techniques
were firstly unable to make someone act against their ethical
standards, and secondly induced a zombie like “trance” state once
triggered. Neither of these issues were considered desirable in these
operatives. Consequently the decision was made to work with leading
psychological researchers to find a way to overcome these problems.
solution was a combinatory process. It had previously been discovered
that susceptibility to hypnotic suggestion was a genetic trait, so
testing was implemented at early school age to find children who
displayed these traits. Having established the identity of these
children their parents were also tested and in cases where suitable
candidates were found the parents were introduced to religious cults
controlled by the CIA. Classic examples of this are seen in Jonestown
and Waco. These religious cults carried out brainwashing techniques
perfected during World War II by Japanese and German scientists and
created an environment in which the sexual abuse of the receptive
child could be guaranteed. The sexual abuse was fundamental to the
destruction of the psyche of the child, and this psychological
destruction was the second phase of the indoctrination process.
Following this second phase the child would be introduced to mind
altering chemicals and to further torture based techniques of
psychological manipulation. After several years of this treatment the
child would be ready for programming.
takes the form of deeply embedded sequences of commands often layered
to prevent accidental activation, but even so, accidents have
happened, most famously in the case of Lake and Ung, serial killers
who had been programmed in the 1960's and who became serial killers
after Lakes accidental activation and his subsequent activation of
Ung. The concept of psychological trauma and sexual abuse leading to
psychopathy is well documented, and it can be no coincidence that the
US has seen a marked increase in serial killers in the last 50 years.
A similar pattern has emerged in Russian and China, were similar
programs are known to run, but perhaps most tellingly in Argentina
and Columbia, the post war location of Martin Bormann and Joseph
Mengele, two of the leading proponents of the Nazi research into mind
control and other esoteric phenomena.
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