Monday, 11 June 2012

The role of the Illuminati in UFO cover ups

The history of UFO sightings goes back an awful lot further than many people think, with two of the more significant stories coming from 13th Century England in the writings of Gervase of Tilbury in his chronicles, a tale of a mysterious sky ship whose anchor caught in the arch above the door of the Church of St Kinarus in the borough of Cloera, and from 16th Century Nuremberg a woodcut image from a broadsheet depicting a battle between strange shapes in the sky. Prior to the enlightenment in Europe, stories of this type were dealt with by the Catholic church, with sightings explained away as divine signs and portents. With the coming of the enlightenment in the 17th Century, and the corresponding development of rational thought, natural philosophy and scientific reason, and the concomitant reduction in the influence of the church and the dilution of its power it became necessary for a new group to take responsibility for explaining UFOs and strange sightings. The need to explain away such sightings had been established in perpetuity, the decision being taken in antiquity that the bulk of humanity was unprepared to deal with the knowledge of alien races, since such knowledge, along with the knowledge of the real history and therefore the real future of humanity would be too shocking to deal with.

The choice of the new group was made relatively straightforward by the reason for the need for change. It was clear that the group would need to establish some link to the old order, yet be credible within the new scientific order. Taking a cue from the existing secret societies of freemasonry, with their historic links to religious warrior groups such as the Knights of St John at the Temple of Solomon, better known as the Knights Templar, a Jesuit educated intellectual Adam Weishaupt was funded to create a new organisation to take over the reins of the conspiracy of misdirection and misinformation. This group was to take the name “Illuminati”, the enlightened, a name that hints at their purpose. Weishaupt drew together key thinkers and society leaders who were sympathetic to the principles of the order and in many cases already knowledgeable about the truth of aliens through familial connections to the Catholic churches hierarchy. It should be noted that many of the members of the Illuminati represented ruling dynasties of Europe, families that could trace their line through hundreds of years of control and power across the Christian Empire.

Having established a new leadership group, expansion was rapid with lodges being established in each European country under a variety of names, the original name being enmeshed in controversy with a division over the need for secrecy leading to challenges in the Bavarian heartland by Karl Theodor, new ruler of Bavaria and descendant of a rival family dynasty coming from Eastern Europe. An example of this can be seen in the UK in the form of the Lunar Society, ostensibly named for their habit of meeting on full moons, but in reality named in honour of Weishaupt and his group. Through these groups, and their influence on scientific progress, and through linked and affiliated clubs and societies, influence on esoteric and mystical groups, the secret of the UFOs was kept well into the 18th and 19th Century before further societal changes brought about the need once again for the torch of enlightenment to be passed on to another generation of secret keepers, the scientists and writers who would prepare the way for humanity to finally meet some of the alien races that have been engaged with our development since the dawn of modern humans.

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