Friday, 29 June 2012

A different take on the 2012 Apocalypse

Whatever you may think of Mayan prophecies, Nostradamus, End Times and the like there is no getting away from the fact that around the World, and particularly in the US and UK there are government efforts ongoing to prepare for a major event affecting civil society. The increase in preparation of large scale internment camps across the US in unusual and remote locations, the stockpiling of munitions, weapons, food supplies and materials and the shift in emphasis on the location of key military assets are all overt examples of this effort, but there are also covert operations including the unusual recall of former special forces operatives, the change in training regime and exercises for reservist forces, the instructions to UK and US embassies and representatives to the United Nations and staff stationed overseas encouraging a distancing from external relationships. There have also been unrecorded meetings between staff at the Ministry of Defence and the Department for the Environment and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) in the UK and with representatives of the National Farmers Union discussing the requisitioning of large areas of farmland for an unknown purpose. The Department of Energy has been involved as well, holding unrecorded briefings with key players in the energy generation industry and the national grid.

What this all adds up to is something large being planned for, and an interesting aspect is that the timings being put forward match closely to ends happening in late 2012 reaching a peak at the winter solstice at 11:11am on the 21st December. Looking around on the internet gives some clue as to the reason behind this. There is a move being planned by a number of hacker groups globally to take the idea, or in internet terminology the meme of the 2012 Mayan apocalypse and to make it happen by taking control of key computer networks using a tactic known as a firesale. Essentially this tactic involves large distributed denial of service attacks to overload computer systems of banks, utility companies, government agencies and federal services to create a failure of the systems and a resultant panic and collapse of society. Imagine, if you can that in the midst of Winter the whole of the US and UK banking system, the power grids and the communication networks all fail simultaneously. The effects would be global in reach and would instantly and inevitably lead to severe disruption and unrest.

We have become so reliant on the systems around us that make life easier for us that any significant problem will cause chaos, so why would any group, no matter what its motivation, want to achieve should a thing? The answer is, as with so many things, deeply complex. Hidden behind recent events in the banking sector, the climate lobby and the energy companies reports of peak oil is a group which has already been at the heart of any number of conspiracies, but non on this scale. It is understood that the global position in terms of resource usage, population growth and corporate financial growth has been in serious difficulty and deteriorating rapidly. The group behind this plot has decided that the best solution is to collapse the existing system completely and to start again. There are two ways that this could be achieved. The first is global conflict, but it is difficult to see how this could be achieved without the use of nuclear weapons, the long term damage of which would be intolerable. The second way is to destroy the infrastructure that supports the reasons for the deterioration. This is the chosen method and over the last ten years there has been a systematic infiltration of hacker groups to put in place the means to achieve this. The infiltration has already been revealed by recent arrests of hackers within the anonymous group, but this is a smokescreen and those arrested are the ethical members standing in the way of the catastrophe to come.

The first tests of this plan have already happened, accidental errors in banking computer systems, power outages on supposedly resilient power grids and a serious of apparently natural disasters causing problems at nuclear power stations. This is just the start. Further tests are planned for July, August and most importantly November before the big one. Stay tuned, as long as you can.....

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