Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Zombie apocalypse is Government test

The recent reports of “Zombie” style attacks from Miami and elsewhere are an interesting case of Government preparedness testing. The internet meme of preparing for the coming Zombie apocalypse has been doing the rounds for at least 10 years to my knowledge, and yes, I have my own, and it has reached a point that it has come to the attention of the intelligence communities. It is widely known that Governments are highly interested in new ways of controlling populations and increasing powers and controls that limit freedom, and this is just the latest experiment to assess the effect of modified information release as a means of control. The idea of re-animated corpses feasting on the brains and bodies of the living has been a staple of schlock horror movies for decades and it is one which inspires a level of fear that goes beyond any sense of proportion. The history of the zombie goes back a lot further than that, through the ideas of Voodou witchcraft and black magic. The image of the controlled zombie created by a mixture of herbs and magcal incantations resonates with these latest attacks being linked to the designer drug “Bath salts”.

A little background. The attack in Miami occurred on Saturday 26th May 2012 and featured a naked man attacking another man and appearing to tear chunks of flesh off his face with his teeth, eating the flesh in a manner strongly reminiscent of a zombie attack from a Romero film. This attack was almost certainly caused by the attacker being under the influence of the narcotic cocktail known as “bath salts” leading to a psychotic break. The attack ended with the attacker being shot multiple times by police officers and dying at the scene. A gruesome and horrific act certainly, but also an opportunity for authorities to explore the effect of the release of a media scare story, and monitoring the way a meme spreads via the internet. Reports suggest that in the days following the report of the attack the frequency of search engine enquiries for the term zombie apocalypse increased by over 5000% and website for companies supplying survivalist equipment reported significant increases in traffic. The meme spread via Facebook and youtube far more quickly than similar stories of murder and mayhem have, and it is this phenomena that has let to the suggesting that it was being used as a test of public perceptions of threat and how these can be used.

The results are in as far as the intelligence community is concerned, and there is clear evidence that this event is already being used to increase control of the American public. There have already been several large scale raids of drug production facilities and freedom of movement has been curtailed in the area alongside increased stop and search powers. What is slightly troubling is that these erosions of freedom have been accepted far more readily than is usually the case. My prediction? We will see an increasing number of attacks of this type over the next six months culminating in the passing into law of new powers for the police and the establishment of a more closely integrated national guard rapid response force with powers to introduce martial law in localised areas. We will also see an increase in powers for disaster response units, including curfews, house arrests and detention without trial. What worries me is that we are going to accept these powers because the thought of a Zombie apocalypse, no matter how unlikely, is a meme that just will not go away.

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