Thursday, 7 June 2012

Secret space bases on the moon and beyond

According to official reports there have been six manned missions to the moon with twelve American astronauts actually walking on the surface, and that is the total extend of our manned exploration of extra-terrestrial bodies. We have also explored the moon and beyond with unmanned probes to the outer reaches of the solar system, but is this the full story? The last official manned moon landing was in 1972 during the Apollo 17 mission, and although further missions were planned, funding was cut and further exploration cancelled officially. There are some anomalous events after this though that merit a little closer attention. The first of these is budgetary. American space exploration is funded through NASA (National Aeronautical and Space Agency) and officially the NASA budget has routinely been cut, and has been under pressure since the 1970's. However it has recently come to light that there are vast holes in CIA budgets that can not easily be explained. By vast, we are talking about multiple trillions of dollars that have disappeared. Now, certainly it is well known that the CIA, Americas premier defensive intelligence community, funds as part of its remit a number of “black” projects, projects of National Security such as the U2 and SR-71 spy planes. As part of this the CIA also funds the development of space based technology, particularly spy satellites and military communication technologies, so we know that at least some of this missing money has been diverted to fund secret space projects.

But is it just a case of space based spying for National Security, or do the secret projects go further than this. Through the Reagan era of the 1980's there was a tremendous push to develop “Star Wars” technology, space based platforms forming a missile defence grid to protect America from nuclear attack. This project was officially never completed, but it leads to an interesting thought. What happens, historically when a technology is invented that has a military application? Look at the work of Nicola Tesla as a classic example. His inventions appear to have, in the main disappeared. These inventions include earthquake generators, weather modification machines, electricity generating technologies and much more, and according to many researchers these technologies have ended up in military hands and have been developed much further. Could the same be the case with space exploration, and particularly the exploration and more of extra-terrestrial bodies? It would certainly fit with known facts about the way in which the CIA and the industrial-military complex operates,a nd would help to explain the next anomalies.

So, we have a budgetary black hole that may provide large scale finances to space development, but we need more evidence than this. Lets look at the development of orbital satellites around the Moon and Mars. The official reason for this is exploration, but a close examination of the sensors and monitoring equipment, along with the data transmission equipment suggests that there may be more going on. It is interesting to note that all raw data received from the various space based monitoring equipment coming back to Earth is categorised as Top Secret:Eyes Only until it has been processed. This includes radio and laser signals, images, sound files, temperature and climate data and so on. It is all hidden. The way that it is hidden is also interesting. The raw data is compressed and encrypted using extremely complex military cyphers. Now of course this could be because NASA is a branch of the US Airforce and so has access to military security, but is that really the case? Perhaps not when considered with another unusual event. Recently the Chinese and Indian space agencies have carried out unmanned lunar missions, and these have been unusual for one very odd reason. It has long been known that when a lunar orbital craft goes to the far side of the moon, communication with the Earth is lost, but once the vehicle returns to the near side, the data recorded from the far side is transmitted and recovered. The odd thing is that both the Chinese and Indian orbiters sent back incomplete data. When it was analysed it transpired that there were large chunks of data missing, missing images and monitoring data. What is even more odd is that the missing data always covers the same areas.

Adding all of these anomalies, and others together the best fit for the information available is that we never stopped going to the moon, that we established moon bases on the far side of the moon, and that further, exploration continued beyond the moon, and the reason that there is no real push for manned missions to Mars is because we are already there, and the American military and intelligence community isn't sharing. Watch this space for more soon.....

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