Monday, 4 June 2012

UK Mind games conspiracy

From a remote viewer and psychic reporting links to security services :

What do Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Helena Blavatsky, Aleister Crowley, Gerald Gardner and Uri Geller have in common? They have all been employed by British secret service to engage in psychic spying. Famously Conan Doyle was heavily involved with the spiritualist movement and a believer in ghosts, fairies and psychic phenomena and came to the attention of the political elite following his support for British actions in the Boer War. His interest in spiritualism coincided with the First World War and he approached a friend William Somerset Maugham, who through his association with Aleister Crowley had access to British Intelligence, and offered his services in remote viewing of enemy positions. Crowley had been working for British Intelligence for some time as a spy and agent provocateur working in France and America and was reputed to use occult techniques to exert influence over others including hypnotism, mind control and remote viewing for blackmail purposes.

Earlier than this Helena Blavatsky, the Russian born founder of Theosophy had worked closely with British assets in India as part of her attempts to gain access to Tibet through Kashmir. Although her route was blocked she made useful contacts with early British Intelligence operatives and through them was funded on her travels across Europe with the aim of gaining access to a European network of occultists, psychics and spiritualists. She was instrumental in providing detailed information about the strength of other European nations intelligence operations to the British and in return she was allowed freedom of movement across the Empire. Similarly Gerald Gardner, the creator of Wicca, the modern witchcraft movement began his intelligence career in South East asia when he was working on plantations in Malaysia and Indonesia. Gardner was already an aquaintance of Crowleys and it was through Crowley that Gardner came to the attention of British Intelligence. He was used as an asset in South East Asia to monitor anti-British movements. On his return to the Uk and as part of his work in founding Wicca Gardner made contact with several leading figures in British occultism and paranormal research.

Through these links he became acquainted with Sir Winston Churchill, himself a Druid and became instrumental in the creation of a psychic defensive shield around the Uk and is considered by some to have been at least in part a factor in Hitlers decision to delay invasion through remote mind control. Gardner was also instrumental in formalising and establishing a post war psychic warfare unit within British Intelligence with the aim of remotely monitoring and influencing key foreign targets and locations. It was the department that Gardner helped to establish that attempted to recruit Uri Geller in the 1970's, and is still in operation today. Uri Geller was already working with the American CIA as a part of project Montauk and also had links to Israeli Intelligence and so was considered a highly prized trophy by British Intelligence although he was never persuaded to work for the British. This led in no small measure to his rapid decline in poularity in the UK.
Currently there are two sites in the UK that specialise in psychic research for defence purposes, both within established military bases, and current projects include remote monitoring of enemy assets, remote locating of weapons caches and remote manipulation of susceptible parties. Recruitment to these units is by invitation only and assets of MI6 are actively engaged in infiltrations programs of key esoteric and occult groups in the UK to spot potential recruits and to actively monitor progress in research into this area. There are several psychics working for the British security services specifically tasked as “spotters” who attend psychic and spiritual events to scan attendees for ability. Recent MoD freedom of information releases have confirmed that these project is still ongoing.

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