Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Mind control through electro-magnetism

From our psychology correspondent :

It is well established that the brain functions by the firing of electrical impulses between neurons, and that these impulses are strong enough to be detected outside the cranium. The impulses are in the 40 to 80 millivolt range and and there are in the region of 100,000,000,000 neurons within the brain. The impulses can be measured by electroencephalograph (EEG) machines proving that the electrical field created by the brains activity extends beyond the brain. This has an implication which is currently being explored by neurologists and psychologists in the mainstream but which has been utilised by government intelligence scientists since the 1940's and '50's and is still being carried out today. One example of mainstream research is the “God” helmet, developed by Persinger. The helmet is designed to generate complex electromagnetic fields that are thought to interfere with the brains own activity and create auditory and visual hallucinations including a sense of another presence, and in some people a sense of the presence of God.

There is some controversy over the success of the technology, and several experiments to replicate the helmet and results have so far failed, suggesting an alternative explanation for the results found by Persinger, usually based on th susceptibility to and ease with which subjects can be directed to experience the desired results, essentially a placebo effect. This is all very interesting, but it is not the conspiracy behind this article. The God helmet is however a part of that conspiracy. The technology used for the helmet generates a complex electromagnetic field at a very weak level, less than the strength of a fridge magnet, over a long period of time to stimulate an effect. However there is another version of the technology which uses a much stronger magnetic field and a tightly focused simple EM field utilising pulses. The controversy over the God helmet is specifically designed to draw attention away from this field of research by suggesting that it is a dead end.

The reality is that the strong magnetic field research has been shown to have much more significant results, but you won't have seen those, because they are all classified. There are three distinct strands to this research. The first was developed as part of the Philadelphia experiment, a project aimed at cloaking naval vessels utilising strong magnetic fields to bend light around a target object making it invisible. One of the side effects of the experiment was that crew members suffered extreme psychological damage leading to further experiments on the effect of magnetism on the human brain. The second came from project Montauk, a CIA experiment into brain washing that used a combination of high frequency sound waves and electrical stimulation, and the third strand is based around the research of Dr. Joseph Mengele into anomalous neuropathology in twins and the difference in neurology of different races.

By diverting attention away from successful development of this technology the intelligence community has been able to enhance it to the point that it no longer requires the vast electrical input of the original experiments. One of the ways that it has been enhanced is to make it deployable in domestic environments. Think of the electrical items that surround you at the moment. The computer screen that you are watching this on, the wireless network connecting you to the internet, the mobile phone you will use to tell your friends about it, the cordless phone you are about to take a call on and so on. Each of these devices generates enough of an EM field to influence neural activity. These devices can also be controlled remotely both by radio signal and via the internet. The purpose of the deployment of this technology is to directly influence behaviour and is part of the ongoing development and deployment of mind control technology.

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