Friday 8 June 2012

Control through fear

Fear is an emotion. It triggers chemical changes in the body, the release of neuro-transmitters signal the adrenal glands and the body responds by increasing heart rate and breathing, over oxygenating the blood, sharpening the senses and preparing the body for fight or flight. These changes have been well established for over a century, and even before the body and its workings were understood, the effect was known and used back into antiquity. The Greek armies made use of adrenalin responses to drive troops to higher effort and ruthless violence. The Roman army, renowned for extreme discipline and controlled aggression understood the use of fear driven adrenaline both from the point of view of combating it when faced by a screaming barbarian horde, and in releasing it in extreme brutality in suppressing rebellion. Famously the Vikings created an entire warrior caste from this phenomenon, the berserker, a shield biting, raving lunatic, utterly powerful and capable of fighting through catastrophic injury. With the understanding of the mechanisms of the human brain and body and a scientific knowledge of adrenalin and its effects came a refining of the process of using fear responses to exert control and to modify behaviour.

Through the First and Second World Wars a tremendous amount of research into the effect of combat scenarios of soldiers, the effect of shell shock and post traumatic stress disorder, and particularly the ability to make soldiers commit acts of atrocity that would be unimaginable for anyone without a serious psychological condition such as psychopathy. This reached a peak in Nazi Germany with research carried out by Joseph Mengele as part of an effort to create a super soldier for the German army based on an Aryan bloodstock. His efforts involved genetic manipulation through selective breeding, early experiments in genetic mutation, chemical and pharmacological manipulation of the body and mind, operant conditioning and behaviour modification by positive and negative reinforcement. After the second World War and the defeat of the Third Reich, a defeat in part engineered by Mengele in co-operation with Martin Bormann and other senior Nazis, Bormann having become disillusioned with Hitlers growing paranoia and poor judgement and had forged links with Russian intelligence agents, Mengele continued his work first in South Africa and later in Argentina, before spending time working with American intelligence agencies.

The key area of research was in using fear to completely break a subjects mind, creating a split between the id and ego, a possibility put forward by both Freud and Jung, then rebuilding the mind incorporating new programming. This work was perfected on individual subjects by 1956, but research continued through the '50's and '60's to fully establish that the programming was permanent. From 1962 onwards there was a push to expand the project to program large groups simultaneously in the same way. This is the real reason behind the termination of all non-military research into LSD but that is for another post. The best example of these experiments in their earliest guise were the failures at Jonestown and with the Manson “family”. Here the breakdown of subjects was achieved successfully but the re-programming failed to take. The reason was that the reliance on pharmacological breaking of the psyche had moved too far away from its origins in fear responses and consequently had caused the complete removal of the id rendering it impossible to rebuild the brain successfully. This led to modifications to the chemical structure of LSD to create “bad trips”, fear centred hallucinogenic nightmares that fracture the mind in a more productive manner.

Research continued into the 1980's when further technological development in microwave generation and use removed the need for LSD but maintained the basic structure of fracturing the psyche through fear, in this case externally induced paranoia although the result is the same. Success was achieved in the 1990's and most recently was successfully deployed in the Middle East in the triggering of the “Arab Spring” uprisings. Further deployments are planned, although details are conflicting, but North America is one slightly surprising target. Never forget that for the New World Order to rise, the old order must be completely discredited and destroyed.

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