our former intelligence misinformation agent :
For a
number of years I was employed with the intelligence service of a
European country to create media engagement in specific esoteric
subjects particularly UFO, paranormal phenomena, alternative
therapies and conspiracy theories. In the execution of my duties I
investigated and researched a number of stories, embellished and
adapted them, and fed them to media contacts. I also arranged for
“witnesses” to be interviewed. In over 10 years in this role I
did not feed a single genuine story to my media contacts, the role
requiring the dissemination of lies to distract attention from
genuinely unexplained phenomena. In order to be certain that the
information that was passed on was credible yet not accurate it was
essential that I had access to all genuine investigations. In order
to allow this I was granted DV level clearance and was considered to
be seconded to military intelligence whilst being employed as a civil
servant in the Home Office.
my own investigations and research I discovered that the reports
available to the media and public, including the “secret”
documents released by the government, were limited to events that had
already been fully explained. In this way the government retained the
option at any point to completely debunk any conspiracy theory based
on this evidence. This is a planned option with a timescale of 2015.
This is not to say that all reports are explained. There are a number
of unexplained reports that have not, and will not be released.
Included in these are reports of sightings of a UFO over large parts
of the West Wales coast in March 2011. The UFO was seen to rise out
of the sea off the coast in the area around Cardigan Bay, the object
being estimated at 250mtrs in diameter, spherical in shape and
emitting a low hum. It rose from the sea at 4.23am sighted and
reported to the local police station by two holidaymakers who had
been stargazing from their beach front holiday home.
observed the sphere for over 30 minutes as it tracked inland at a
speed not exceeding 50 mph before passing out of site behind hills
behind the town. Further reports were received from three farmers
along the route the sphere took, as well as two local police officers
who responded to the report. A report was also made to the local
newspaper. To give an example of the way in which the intelligence
community operates, within 45 minutes of the initial report contact
had been made by the UK security agency to the local police arranging
for all subsequent reports to be treated as secret, eyes only.
Contact was also made with the local media and a D notice enforced.
With 55 minutes minutes visual contact was made with the object by
two helicopters from the nearest military base, a former weapons
evaluation station along the coast now run by Qinetic. The
helicopters observed the sphere for a total of 86 minutes from a
range of 300 mtrs before the craft accelerated vertically and
disappeared. Reports from the helicopter pilots were made directly to
UK intelligence.
2 hours of the initial sighting all members of the public and local
law enforcement had been contacted and given an acceptable response,
and no further action was expected. Further investigation by UK
intelligence confirmed the sighting as an unknown of non-terrestrial
origin. The sightings and reports were not reported by any news
agency, and no further action was taken by local police. In this way
a genuine sighting was blocked. The cover story was of the launch of
an atmospheric condition monitoring balloon from an offshore weather
station, and this story was accepted by witnesses. This is a similar
scenario to several other sighting across the UK and Europe which
have been considered to have defence significance within national and
international military communities.
is little doubt that there are genuine cases of unexplained
phenomena, but that these are considered national and international
security sensitive and as a consequence are routinely covered up. The
truth is indeed out there, but it will never be released.
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