Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Post WWII allied conspiracy

A lot of information came out of Germany at the end of the Second World War as a part of Project Paperclip, the allied plan to find and coerce German scientists to work on allied projects. The most widely known of these are the rocket scientists who had worked on the V1 an d V2 rockets and went on to work with American and Russian scientists on both intercontinental ballistic missiles and the space programmes. The other well known area of interest was the medical and psychological research programmes that had been established in Germany to create better, stronger and more effective soldiers. These scientists were transferred to South America and South Africa but were funded by American, British and Russian interests and became key to the American Projects Monarch and MKULTRA, the Russian Pripyat Project and the various British projects. These have been reasonably well reported as the technology that came out of Germany and the subsequent work was considered to be reasonably acceptable to the public as being in the interest of society. There are however two further key areas of research that were considered far too sensitive and controversial to be even hinted at. Since the First World War there had been international laws in place banning the use of chemical and biological weapons and these were strengthened in the light of events during WWII and expanded to include nuclear weapons. Despite these rules it is well known that German scientists were developing extremely virulent strains of smallbox, cholera, typhoid and other diseases to be used with the V2 rockets against Great Britain, as well as refined chemical agents for infiltration into water systems. There was also a division of the German intelligence service that was working on extra sensory perception and its use as an aid to weaponry.

Both of these latter groups were specifically targets of British assets under an agreement between Churchill, Stalin and Eisenhower, principally because during 1944 Churchill had been personally involved in ESP experimentation and magical practice with groups established by Aleister Crowley. It was well known that Britain was second only to Germany in esoteric research. Furthermore, the British work on biological and chemical weapons was similarly more advanced than anyone else other than Germany as a result of combined chemical and alchemical research and developments in the pharmaceutical and petroleum industries. The trilateral agreement was established such that the US, Russia and the UK knew that the greatest threat after Germany was China, and that in order to prepare for another World War they would need to work together closely. In order to protect the knowledge that there would be another global conflict within 100 years it was further agreed that an elaborate pretence would be established that Russia and America would take opposing ideological stances and give the impression of being antagonistic to allow China to appear to operate under the radar. This was of course nonsense as is seen by the collaborative efforts on supposedly secret military projects between the two superpowers. One only has to look at the similarities between the UK, US and Russian supersonic airliners of the 1960's and '70's, the identical engine designs of high altitude spy planes, the ability of US space craft to dock with Russian craft years before there was official cooperation to begin to see this.
So, the US and Russia worked on rocketry, space research and advanced energy weaponry whilst the UK worked on biological and chemical weapons and esoteric and ESP weapons, the three overall creating a military power bloc that offer a dominance that prevented China from pressing its numerical advantage far earlier. The fact that we are still seeing posturing from the Soviets and US over minor territorial squabbles suggests that the time is not quite right for the lie to be revealed but it can't be too far away.

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