Friday 8 June 2012

Controlling freedom through assassination

From the earliest beginnings of recorded history to the present day there is a continuous stream of inconvenient people who have been removed in a very controlled and calculated way. In many early examples this is described as sacrifice, the sacrificial King given to appease the Gods, or to protect the dynastic line, or for the good of the society, but with the benefit of hindsight what becomes clear is that there is always an ulterior motive, and that motive is always the same, to exert control by a demonstration of power. Essentially, stating that if you are in the way of “the way things are to be” you will be destroyed. Whether it is Tutankahmun, Julius Ceasar, Ghenghis Khan, any number of Chinese Emperors and European Warlords, or Martin Luther King, John F Kennedy, John Lennon, Bob Marley and Bill Hicks, it doesn't matter how powerful you are, or how well loved or respected, if you are in the way, you are finished. Historically this was often achieved in fairly overt ways, and was reported in such a way to suggest that the reasons behind it was understood. It appears that this change at some point in the 17th Century with the enlightenment movement. It seems that there was a shift away from overt assassination for a purported common good and a development of a more shadowy tendency to misdirection and sleight of hand. It is interesting to note that this period is synonymous with the foundation of both freemasonry and Simon Weishaupts Illuminati.

So, why the change? The reason stems from an understanding of the aims of the organisations that appeared around this time. Prior to the 17th Century the powers behind control existed on a National level and were typically represented by a priesthood, the implication being that their actions were sanctioned and guided by the Gods. This gave some rational, some credence for the actions, and meant that questioning the situation was difficult. The point here being that the reason was overt. The change was fundamental. The societies that were established were guided by one overwhelming philosophy, secrecy. Even within the societies members were not necessarily fully aware of the reasoning behind the societies actions and decisions. It is not for nothing that to this day the only banned topics of conversation with a Masonic lodge are politics and religion. This is not for the stated reason that these topics invariably create division, but more prosaically because fundamental to freemasonry is an underlying religion that is by its nature governed by secrecy, even from its own initiated members.

With a need for secrecy, comes a need to be able to misdirect attention. Assassination has often been done quietly, but since the shift emphasis has been placed on developing ever more subtle techniques. Examples of these are the Boston brakes technique of creating a fatal car crash by taking over control remotely of the target vehicle. This technique has been used most famously to kill Princess Diana and Marc Bolan. Poison is a common method, Bob Marley and Bill Hicks having been killed by the introduction of carcinogenic compounds into their bloodstream through pinprick injuries, a technique also used by Russian secret agents to introduce polonium using sharpened umbrella tips. Another popular method is the creation of a “Manchurian Candidate” a victim of mind control, usually triggered by a code word or phrase, who functions perfectly normally until activated and then carries out his or her orders, usually an armed assault on the victim. This was the method used to create Lee Harvey Oswald, John F Kennedys killer, Sihan Sirhan who killed Robert Kennedy, and David Mark Chapman, the killer of John Lennon.

All of this means that the real reason for the assassinations is kept deeply hidden, but essentially it remains what it has always been. A means of making sure that control is maintained. The only difference between ancient Egypt and modern America or the UK or Europe or China is that the forces exerting control have changed. What was work carried out in the name of God is now work carried out to keep the name of Satan hidden until his time is come.

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