Sunday 24 June 2012

Strange reports from the Olympic Village

In just over a month the eyes of the World will be on London, England as the UK hosts the Olympic games. There have been a number of strange reports coming from people involved in the preparations, some that are perhaps understandable, some which are decidedly odd. As you might imagine, security is tremendously high with several military groups being co-opted to assist. Overtly we have the deployment of surface to air missile installations on several key rooftop locations, backed up by and linked to radar facilities providing 360 degree cover around London. We also have increased surveillance cover both from enhanced CCTV cameras and from the British army close support group using remotely controlled helicopters and drones. There have also been a series of secret exercises involving British and American special forces units including hostage retrieval exercises and hijacking scenarios. These are pretty much as would be expected in an age of global terrorism, but the preparations go beyond this. Alongside the radar installations are some additional equipment pods which are rumoured to be ultrasonic crowd control devices developed by DARPA, the US high tech defence development group. These operate by producing a pulsed ultrasonic tone that is intolerable to human hearing.

Alongside these are a couple of other high tech installations that are less obvious. As part of the development of the Olympic village the apartments have been build over a far deeper set of foundations than the buildings require. The same is true of the stadia, and in addition the electrical services being added to the London grid have a significantly higher capacity than is required to power the events. Getting any information on these developments is extremely difficult, the blueprints and design and build reports being classified, officially to protect athletes and spectators, but reports from construction staff suggest that there could be up to five levels of sub basement under these new structures. The fitout of these levels have been outsourced to two companies that are not listed as official suppliers to the Olympics and appear to have been set up specifically to service this one contract. Access to areas of these sites has been restricted since the initial construction phase, and materials are delivered at night in unmarked trucks. People who have witnessed these trucks being unloaded say that the contents are similarly unmarked with no tracking labels or company branding.

Certainly, an event on this scale would be an ideal opportunity to conduct large scale tests of new crowd control technologies, and there are stories coming out of China after the last Olympics that Chinese Intelligence operatives carried out several covert operations under cover of the 2008 games including hacking of communication networks and infiltration of broadcast signals with pro-Chinese subliminal messaging. The current suggestion is that some of the equipment being shipped in to London was created as part of Project Bluebeam, a CIA plan to use holographic projection equipment to create a globally significant event, possibly a false flag alien encounter at a point when viewing figures are at their highest, during the 100 metre final for men. What is certain is that this is the first global event at which all communication will be monitored, all e-mail, phone calls, text messages and instant messaging correspondence will be tracked, decrypted and analysed, and the first at which fully integrated monitoring of all attendees will be a matter of course. It will be interesting to see what happens given the coincidence of the timing of the 7/7 underground bombings the day after London won the games in the first place.

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