Monday, 16 July 2012

Are UFOs more likely to be human time travel vehicles?

To date there has been no credible evidence of intelligent life in far flung corners of the Universe, and if we consider the development of intelligent life on Earth it seems difficult to conceive of an advanced civilisation perhaps a million years ahead of our own that is capable of interstellar travel. Here on Earth the development of life has been a long and complex process and it is likely that if life has developed elsewhere it will have been a similarly long and difficult journey, so it would be more likely that any extra terrestrial species would be at a similar level of development given that the Universe occurred at a discrete point in time. There is however another possibility. Based on the work of Einstein and later physicists particularly Stephen Hawkins and Carl Sagan the possibility of time travel can be considered not only credible, but likely, and this leads to the possibility that what we see as UFOs could in fact be vehicles from our own future. If we look back at the history of UFO and particularly supposed Alien sightings we consistently see that Aliens are almost exclusively anthropomorphic, that is that they look human in terms of number of arms and legs, eyes, mouth and so on. This seems unlikely if they are truly extra terrestrial given the tremendous variation seen in life on earth.

From the wall carvings of the Annunaki in ancient Sumeria through the images of Gods in Egypt, Greece and Rome, and on into the supposed ET contact in more recent years this same phenomenon has been in evidence. There are, of course exceptions to this, most notably in Hinduism where Gods tend to be far more variable in form, and in the indigenous religions of South America where the same is the case. The images of fiery winged serpents and multi-armed deities could be explained as referring to the vehicles rather than individuals, or to robotic exploration units. Then there is the question of close encounters. Recent cases seem very rarely to suggest that extra terrestrials require environmental protection equipment, there seem to be very few reports of any sort of space suit. This suggests that the aliens come from a planet with a comparable atmosphere to ours. It also suggests that the planet must be a similar size and density to ours as they don't seem to have any major issues with Earth gravity. If we go back to one of the key thinkers on Extra Terrestrial intelligence and a founder of the SETI Institute, Frank Drake and his famous equation, we could perhaps add a couple of extra probabilities to the equation to question the likelihood that a the home planet of an extra terrestrial race would be close enough to Earth as to be interchangeable.

There is then the reports of Bob Lazar into the craft themselves. Although his reports of the power system of the craft seems tremendously exotic, they utilise materials that are obtainable on the Earth rather than something that it would be impossible for us to find or produce. It seems likely that if UFOs were indeed extra terrestrial in origin they would employ materials that seemed rather more strange and otherworldly. Certainly Lazars reports on the mercury plasma power source matches well with existing human technology taken on perhaps fifty years. It seems more likely that these craft, and their occupants are coming back to us from our own future, perhaps 500 years hence and that these time travellers have been travelling back into mankinds earliest development. Are we reshaping our own past to reshape our future, and if we are how does this impact on the question of paradox in time travel? It will be interesting to see what developments over the next ten years bring in the field of particle physics, and what the implications of the recent work on the Higgs Boson are for developing effective control of gravity, and thereby time.

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