the 1960's there have been a series of extremely virulent and deadly
diseases appearing across central Africa. These have included so of
the most deadly viral pathogens ever found including various strains
of Ebola, Hanta and unusual strains of Malaria. The standard World
Health Organisation explanation for this is that as African countries
expand in population and therefore in the amount of land that they
need, people are exploring deeper and deeper into the heavily
forested interiors and encountering these new strains of disease from
interaction with mammalian disease vectors. There are even suggestion
that HIV, the virus that causes AIDS originated in this way from
interaction with an infected colony of monkeys in Zaire. It is this
latter suggestion that is of particular interest because there is
also a suggestion from some respected virologists that HIV shows
signs of having been engineered rather than being a natural mutation.
There is no doubt that the United States, as well as Russia and China
have had active disease research facilities, not just to find cures,
but to develop new strains, and effectively to weaponise diseases for
use in combat situations. This is in spite of the International
convention banning the use of biological weapons that has been
discussed at length by the international community since it's
original drafting in 1972.
It is
also known that the US and Russia have actively tested pathogens on
their own citizens both knowingly and unwittingly, revealed by court
disclosures in the 1970's and '80's of tests of biological, chemical
and radiological weapons on volunteer military personnel at Fort
Bragg and under Project Monarch and on non-voluntary uninformed
citizens in the Southern States, most infamously in the deliberate
mistreatment and lack of treatment of victims of Syphilis in Georgia
as far back as the 1920's. Then there are the acknowledged tests of
biological and chemical weapons in Vietnam, part of the same project
that weaponised the defoliant Agent Orange for use in combat
environments. So, there is good evidence that government agencies,
either with or without government approval have actively refined,
modified and used these pathogens, and there is strong circumstantial
evidence that this is still continuing, with the much more recent
Anthrax attacks in the US thought to have been actioned by a rogue
researcher, and the Sarin nerve gas attacks on the Tokyo subway by
the Om Shinrikiu religious cult.
what does this have to do with the reports resurfacing of an ongoing
major disease problem in Central Africa that appears to be turning
children into Zombies. Well, lets have a look at the situation. We
have a disease of unknown origin that appeared in the 1960's that
appears to be rather specifically targeted at children up to the age
of 19, that causes mental degeneration, epilepsy like symptoms, a
highly indicative “nodding” condition, absences, wandering and in
some cases, violence and arson. We have a disease that the World
Health Organisation has so far been unable to isolate and understand,
with no clear information about transmission or origin, and no
current treatment other than symptom alleviation. This matches rather
well with the previous cases of man made pathogens released into the
wider environment. Of course, the big question is whether there is
any link between this strange event and the recent zombie style
attacks seen in Miami and Georgia in the United States. It will be
interesting to see whether anything makes its way into the media
reports on this one.
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