Sunday, 8 July 2012

What is the story behind chemtrails?

Since 1996 there has been an increasing level of public concern over the possibility that a variety of agencies may be using aircraft to distribute chemical and/or biological agents into the atmosphere. The story began with reports of sightings of unusual contrails from high flying aircraft, these trails forming apparent grid patterns and being more persistent in the atmosphere than would normally be expected. It should be noted that chemtrails are distinct from contrails. Contrails, a shortened name for condensation trails are an atmospheric phenomenon whereby the passage of an aircraft through the air caused changes in air pressure and temperature that create streamers of water droplets to form from wingtips and engine exhausts, the condensation trails dissipating over a period of about an hour as wind conditions affect them. Contrails are an accepted and natural occurrence. Chemtrails by comparison are thought to be similar in appearance but caused by the deliberate release of chemical or biological contaminants by aircraft, tending to be more persistent in appearance and to follow paths different from standard flight paths.

Although as a concept chemtrails were first reported in 1996 the history of the known research and and the development of technology goes back quite a long way. US Government documents released under freedom of information requests have shown that through the 1950's experiments were carried out into the effects of airborne particulate dispersal under operations DEW and LAC and project SHAD. These projects investigated the possibility of distributing biological agents in the case of DEW and chemical agents through LAC and SHAD. The Dew experiments were in two parts and involved the release of zinc cadmium sulphide from a ship off the coast of Georgia, and North and South Carolina (DEW1) and more interestingly the release of ZCS and lycopodium plant spores from aircraft over the same area (DEW2). Project LAC (Large Area Contamination) released ZCS over much of the United States to conduct research into airborne dispersal of biological and chemical agents, whilst Project SHAD continued this work by deliberately exposing serving US Navy personnel to a variety of nerve agents and biological pathogens including Sarin and VX nerve gas. These personnel were not aware of the tests and the US Department of Defence denied the existence of SHAD right up to 1998, including denials to US senators and congress members.

So, we have a situation where we know for a fact that the US military has historically tested aerosol and airborne weapons, over the United States, using live agents as well as simulations to the health detriment of its own citizens and serving military personnel in breach of international law and United States rules on experimental ethics. We also have evidence of unusual trail patterns from commercial and military aircraft including grid patterns and off flight path trails, and a categorical denial by multiple international authorities that there is anything to these stories. It seems highly likely that the current chemtrail stories will turn out to be the progeny of these known experiments and test from the 1950's, and that there are some very strange, and very dangerous things happening in the atmosphere that we are right to be very worried about. What is clear is that there is no way that we can trust the word of our politicians, and particularly our military. After all, there is good evidence that when it comes to politicians, they are no more likely to be able to establish the truth than anyone else.

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