Friday, 29 June 2012

A different take on the 2012 Apocalypse

Whatever you may think of Mayan prophecies, Nostradamus, End Times and the like there is no getting away from the fact that around the World, and particularly in the US and UK there are government efforts ongoing to prepare for a major event affecting civil society. The increase in preparation of large scale internment camps across the US in unusual and remote locations, the stockpiling of munitions, weapons, food supplies and materials and the shift in emphasis on the location of key military assets are all overt examples of this effort, but there are also covert operations including the unusual recall of former special forces operatives, the change in training regime and exercises for reservist forces, the instructions to UK and US embassies and representatives to the United Nations and staff stationed overseas encouraging a distancing from external relationships. There have also been unrecorded meetings between staff at the Ministry of Defence and the Department for the Environment and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) in the UK and with representatives of the National Farmers Union discussing the requisitioning of large areas of farmland for an unknown purpose. The Department of Energy has been involved as well, holding unrecorded briefings with key players in the energy generation industry and the national grid.

What this all adds up to is something large being planned for, and an interesting aspect is that the timings being put forward match closely to ends happening in late 2012 reaching a peak at the winter solstice at 11:11am on the 21st December. Looking around on the internet gives some clue as to the reason behind this. There is a move being planned by a number of hacker groups globally to take the idea, or in internet terminology the meme of the 2012 Mayan apocalypse and to make it happen by taking control of key computer networks using a tactic known as a firesale. Essentially this tactic involves large distributed denial of service attacks to overload computer systems of banks, utility companies, government agencies and federal services to create a failure of the systems and a resultant panic and collapse of society. Imagine, if you can that in the midst of Winter the whole of the US and UK banking system, the power grids and the communication networks all fail simultaneously. The effects would be global in reach and would instantly and inevitably lead to severe disruption and unrest.

We have become so reliant on the systems around us that make life easier for us that any significant problem will cause chaos, so why would any group, no matter what its motivation, want to achieve should a thing? The answer is, as with so many things, deeply complex. Hidden behind recent events in the banking sector, the climate lobby and the energy companies reports of peak oil is a group which has already been at the heart of any number of conspiracies, but non on this scale. It is understood that the global position in terms of resource usage, population growth and corporate financial growth has been in serious difficulty and deteriorating rapidly. The group behind this plot has decided that the best solution is to collapse the existing system completely and to start again. There are two ways that this could be achieved. The first is global conflict, but it is difficult to see how this could be achieved without the use of nuclear weapons, the long term damage of which would be intolerable. The second way is to destroy the infrastructure that supports the reasons for the deterioration. This is the chosen method and over the last ten years there has been a systematic infiltration of hacker groups to put in place the means to achieve this. The infiltration has already been revealed by recent arrests of hackers within the anonymous group, but this is a smokescreen and those arrested are the ethical members standing in the way of the catastrophe to come.

The first tests of this plan have already happened, accidental errors in banking computer systems, power outages on supposedly resilient power grids and a serious of apparently natural disasters causing problems at nuclear power stations. This is just the start. Further tests are planned for July, August and most importantly November before the big one. Stay tuned, as long as you can.....

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

The depleted uranium weapons conspiracy

Over the last thirty years, alongside the development of nuclear energy and weapons there has been a co-development of ballistic weapons that make use of waste material from the nuclear industry. These weapons utilise a warhead that is manufactured from depleted uranium, or uranium that has been used in a nuclear powerstation and has lost the majority of its radioactive potency. The benefit of this technology is that uranium is incredibly dense, and when fired through air, naturally heats up to several thousand degrees centigrade. This creates a tremendous ability to punch through armour and makes depleted uranium rounds extremely effective against armoured vehicles, particularly tanks. This technology has been successfully deployed in both Iraq wars, and in the Eastern European conflicts, the Balkan conflicts, Afghanistan, and by Israel against Palestine. It has become relatively mainstream as a weapons system. The conspiracy however comes in two parts, and stems from the belief that just because something is used and shown to be effective does not mean that it is safe, or ethical to use it.

The first conspiracy with depleted uranium is the assertion that it carries no radioactive threat either to those using the rounds, or to those who the rounds are used on. This assertion has been made by the US and Russian military research establishments, and been backed up by UN and Atomic Energy Association researchers who have studied the after effects of battles involving these munitions. The problem comes in the way in which this research is carried out, and in the lack of public availability of the research data, or its independent verification by other scientists. Evidence is now coming out through court cases brought by Gulf War veterans suggesting that they are suffering from unusual medical conditions with remarkable similarities to radiation poisoning, and also producing children with an increased prevalence of birth defects. These cases are beginning to draw out information suggesting that support for depleted uranium is based on flawed testing and measurement of radiation focusing on gamma radiation rather than equally dangerous alpha and beta radiation.

The second comes again from court cases brought by Palestinian citizens in the wake of shelling with depleted uranium rounds by Israel, and strongly suggests that what are being used as depleted uranium casings are in reality a mix of depleted and live uranium. The evidence is in the form of isotopic analysis of rubble at impact sites where there are high levels of radioactive fallout. This raises the question of how depleted uranium rounds are produced and begs the question of whether this is an accidental oversight on the part of manufacturers or a deliberate ploy to either increase damage, or to mask the use of tactical nuclear battlefield weapons. The point is that both of these conspiracies have far wider implications than the immediate area of use. In the wake of the first Gulf War there were unusually high readings of radioactive material recorded at the atomic weapons research station at Aldermarston in the UK, the material being traced to depleted uranium rounds used in the conflict several thousand miles away. Studies of women in Saudi Arabia analysing their hair demonstrates dangerously high levels of beta radiation arising from the 2004 war in Iraq, and perhaps most ironically, research in Israel has shown that if male fertility rates continue to fall at the current rate, the Israeli population will collapse within twenty years.

Whatever the problems associated with these weapons, and their use and misuse, what is perhaps more concerning is that once again we have a situation whereby material is being used either without being properly tested and understood which is bad enough but possibly deliberately in spite of, or because of the secondary damaging effects on populations. Either way, our leaders have an awful lot of questions to answer, and adds to the evidence that our leaders are not acting in the best interests of people or the planet, leading inevitably to the question why?

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

The mental health conspiracy – Part I

There are any number of reports coming out telling us that more and more people suffer from mental health problems, but it may be time to question whether this is the case, and perhaps as importantly, whether there are any nefarious reasons if this is the case. There seems to be a three pronged approach to mental health in general, and to the more moderate forms of mental illness, depression, anxiety disorders and the like. The first is an ongoing advertising and marketing campaign to encourage social acceptance of mental health issues, generally along the line of suggesting that everyone has some degree of mental distress at some point in their life and that there should be no social stigma attached to it. At first glance this appears to be nothing but a good thing. The more people accept mental health the more likely those who are ill are to do something about it. We will come back to that. The second prong is the increase in focus on specific groups within society who are viewed as being more at risk, particularly adolescents, new mothers, people involved in stressful situation such as marriage break up and so on. Again this appears to be a good thing. Psychologists have established that certain groups, at certain times are more prone to suffering mental illness so focusing attention and highlighting mental health care to those groups makes good sense perhaps.

Then we come on to the third prong. This is somewhat more troubling as it stems from an rather strange and worrying new phenomenon. More and more there are cases of children being placed on social services watch lists and in some cases being taken into care ostensibly because the mother is described as being mentally ill. The mother is generally then assessed as suffering from either depression, stress or anxiety and is typically referred for a combination , of counselling and drug therapy, on the explicit understanding that this is a condition of being granted the children back. Now, this is a rather different situation to the other two strands, but this allows for the possibility that perhaps there is more to the other two than meets the eye. Taken as a combined approach the three prongs can be seen to be establishing that mental illness is socially acceptable, that it is prevalent amongst many disparate groups of both genders and all ages, and that getting help with mental illness is of benefit to families. Again this could all be seen as a positive thing, until you begin to look at the treatment of mental illness.

In the UK most mental illness is treated by a combination of neuro-chemicals, psychoactives and cognitive or talking therapies such as cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) or neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). The way that these therapies work is by adapting and changing thought processes through linguistic techniques, and through deep relaxation techniques, rather similar to hypnosis techniques. It is interesting to note that many pharmaceutical treatments for mental illness have a side effect of making the recipient more susceptible to suggestion, or effectively more easily hypnotised. So, we have a situation where more and more people are being diagnosed as being mentally ill, and a recognised treatment regime that is designed to make them more susceptible to suggestion and more compliant. Wouldn't it be terribly paranoid to try to link these in any way? But then, paranoia is a mental illness, so perhaps I should be good and report me mental illness to my GP because it is socially acceptable, and then, for the good of may family and friends, I should be good and take my medication and attend my therapy sessions, and then maybe all of these bad thoughts, all of these fears will go away and I'll stop worrying about the environment, and the wars around the world, and the corruption in government and corporate business and everything else. Wouldn't that be nice?

What is FEMA doing in Eastern Europe?

Since the war in the former Yugoslavia, and the break up of the Soviet Union there has been a constant United Nations presence ostensibly in a peacekeeping role and to ensure that former soviet nuclear and biological assets don't fall into the wrong hands. Alongside the UN forces there are representative units from several countries made up of specialist observers and munitions experts in the main, along with civilian contractors assisting with personal security and ordnance clearance, the use of landmines having been endemic in the region. Within the US contingent there are some rather interesting participants representing some surprising groups. It may come as a shock to know that there is a rotating contingent of FEMA officials and advisers taking 6 month tours in theatre officially in a support role to the US Marine Corps advising on the rebuilding strategy and social control. This rather begs the question why representatives of the Federal Emergency Management Authority are interested in Eastern European society and what they are actually doing there.

It has long been established that the Soviet Union was not above carrying out experiments and tests of military technology on its own people, and that the Russian intelligence community ran some interesting experiments outside Russia borders. It has been suspected that part of the reason for the particular brutality of the recent conflict was in part due to a de-humanisation programme run by Russian scientists on the Yugoslavian military as part of a project to create super soldiers. Both FEMA and the US Marines would have a vested interest in such a programme if it existed, and if it were indeed the case that the population had been modified to increase brutality and decrease respect for societal norms it might also provide an opportunity for FEMA to explore methods of crowd control and behaviour modification in highly volatile situations. As an aside it has also been demonstrated that during the war in the region the use of child soldiers was far more common than in other similar conflicts and understanding that particular anomaly is of interest, as is understanding how soldiers, particularly UN peacekeepers reacted when confronted with these child soldiers.

Now, why would FEMA be interested in this particularly difficult and challenging control situation, and how does this relate to the involvement of the Marines, and more importantly how does it affect FEMA roles back in the US? A lot of this is by necessity conjecture, but going over the possibilities and pulling together a lot of seemingly disparate threads it looks likely that the US government policy of introducing chemicals into the water supply and into the air through chemtrails, along with the ongoing mind control research may well be creating at least a section of society that is desensitised. This would fit with the constant drive within the media to make films and video games ever more violent and music more aggressive. A desensitised population would give an excuse for the instigation of martial law in the event of social unrest. The level of violence in that unrest would almost certainly require a similar level of violence in the response and who better than Marines, the most highly trained and highly disciplined military unit, a unit which since Vietnam has been trained specifically to kill the enemy regardless of age, gender or anything else, a unit which is prepared and ready to kill men, women and children in defence of the nation.

The question is, what else is being planned, and what timescale are we looking at here? It seems when you look at the way social media is being used to stir up communities and the way the occupy movement and the hacker groups have been infiltrated that things may be coming to a head sooner than you might think. Stay alert and stay sharp, and be careful out there.

Fifty shades of Grey and the war on kink

In celebration of the millionth sale of the Kindle version of E.L. James' debut novel Fifty Shades of Grey, along with the news that the paperback sold 200,000 copies last week, sales breaking all sorts of records and a film deal already signed it is perhaps interesting to have a look at what this book actually brings to the concepts of sexual freedom and liberation that the hype suggests is at the core of the concept. The trilogy revolves around the main character of the title Mr. Grey and his exploits as a “Dom” on the BDSM scene, engaging in a delightful range of kinky dalliances along the lines of mild bondage, light punishment, a little collaring, some humiliation play and a bit of master/slave roleplay. All very fine and dandy, and it seems to have hit a bit of a rich vein of popularity, but there are key issues here. Lets look at how the books came about. The author began by writing them as fan fiction based around the Twilight novels. Now, for those not in the know fan fiction, or fanfic as it is known, is a specialised genre of online writing where members of the public take characters and ideas from popular TV series, movies, books and so on and create new stories as an homage to the original. Some of these are very good indeed, and it is something that has been around for a good while. In the UK the popular sci-fi series Dr. Who was cancelled in the 1980's and many fans became involved in writing new stories, and even went as far as producing new films and episodes using the original cast. Similarly there have been an enormous number of books produced based around the Star Wars movies of George Lucas, and both of these were before the advent of the internet.

The first thing is that the internet has made this genre of writing much more accessible and consequently much more mainstream. Bricks and mortar publishing businesses monitor the fanfic sites looking for the next big thing, and as in the case of Fifty Shades, create an amazing amount of publicity around anything that looks commercial. In addition it is worth noting that fanfic communities are extraordinarily geeky in nature and very tight knit. They have a concept that is known as “canon” which refers to a requirement that fiction produced is true to the original story. What does this mean for the Fifty Shades series? Well, look back at the Twilight books, tremendously popular vampire romance fiction with a very strong tendency towards sexual abstinence propaganda. Now, doesn't this make you wonder why fanfic based of this genre would be pushing kink and fetish? Now have a look at the Mr. Grey character a little more closely. It transpires as we learn more about him that his “Dom” fetish is intrinsically linked to character flaws and psychological problems. Now this isn't overt in the story but it is there, and there are now a million e-readers with this idea being read over and over again.

It is perhaps interesting to note that the Australian publishing company who first picked up this series is funded in part by a strongly Christian backer with an interest in the abstinence movement, and one wonders if that may have had something to do with the success. Certainly there are far kinkier fanfics out there, and, dare I say it, far better writing in terms of plot, character development and style. I guess that the success tells you a lot about how relevant this series is, and what the appetite for titillation is, and I guess it also tells you that although sex undoubtedly sells, it has to be the right sort of sex. There has been a concerted effort by a variety of groups to overtly push the censorship agenda, and now it seems that it is happening covertly as well. Keep an eye out for the next article in this series which will discuss why there might be a crusade against supposed sexual immorality.

Facebook and the case of e-mail address changes

Part of the ongoing series of articles of how Facebook is changing post IPO we have news coming out of account details being changed automatically without users permissions. It should be noted that when you sign up for Facebook you pretty much give away any rights you have in the terms and conditions, but one of the few things you do retain is the right to display your personal contact details, such as your e-mail address. Beginning last week and rolling out over the weekend many users started to see their public contact e-mail address being changed to a facebook one. This comes after a marketing campaign by Facebook to encourage users to take a facebook address was largely ignored, so they decided to do it anyway. The way this works is that you are allocated a facebook email address when you register with the site automatically. Any e-mails sent to you on your own e-mail address come to you directly but anything sent to your FB address are routed through FB's servers before being forwarded to your registered address.

Lets think about why this might be useful, and who might benefit. Firstly there is the marketing angle. One of the biggest issued raised in the FB IPO was that the value of the site as a marketing tool was a unknown, but it everyone has a standardised email address format, reaching people becomes much easier, as does monitoring how successful a marketing campaign is. This increases the value of FB to corporate businesses. This is just a start though. If, as suspected the IPO was part of an ongoing monitoring strategy by the CIA then having messages sent outside the site monitored alongside intra site communications has big advantages. We already know that all of our on site activity is monitored and recorded, and that accounts are accessed and utilised by intelligence communities to supplement other data sources, so this is just another step in that process. It also allows far easier hacking of personal email addresses because in the process of forwarding messages from the FB email to the personal email there is an opportunity to monitor the personal email account by adding extra script in the forwarded mail.

So, what can you do to limit the danger that this places you in? Make sure that you use a seperate email account to register on Facebook. Make sure you only use that account for Facebook activity. Don't register a phone number to the account as if you use a smartphone and collect e-mails from multiple accounts on it they all become vulnerable. Use a different password on FB than on anything else, and above all be careful what you view and who you are friends with. When you consider, as discussed in a previous article that you are considered a “person of interest” to US intelligence if you grow your own food, or like to go camping, or are affiliated with scout groups, churches, community groups and similar, before you even start looking at political and social groups you begin to understand the scale of the problem. You know that George Takei cartoon you just clicked “like” on? Well guess what? That put you on a watch list. That friend of yours who posts about hemp? Yup, same result. Taken in isolation, these subtle changes to Facebook and the way it operates might be coincidence, but the reactivation of dead accounts, the change to e-mails, the change in the way groups are categorised and the changes coming through to the way gaming operates all add up to one thing. Trouble for users, many of whom are going to have a hard time breaking away from Facebooks addictive clutches. Be careful out there friends, the times they are a changin'.....

Post WWII allied conspiracy

A lot of information came out of Germany at the end of the Second World War as a part of Project Paperclip, the allied plan to find and coerce German scientists to work on allied projects. The most widely known of these are the rocket scientists who had worked on the V1 an d V2 rockets and went on to work with American and Russian scientists on both intercontinental ballistic missiles and the space programmes. The other well known area of interest was the medical and psychological research programmes that had been established in Germany to create better, stronger and more effective soldiers. These scientists were transferred to South America and South Africa but were funded by American, British and Russian interests and became key to the American Projects Monarch and MKULTRA, the Russian Pripyat Project and the various British projects. These have been reasonably well reported as the technology that came out of Germany and the subsequent work was considered to be reasonably acceptable to the public as being in the interest of society. There are however two further key areas of research that were considered far too sensitive and controversial to be even hinted at. Since the First World War there had been international laws in place banning the use of chemical and biological weapons and these were strengthened in the light of events during WWII and expanded to include nuclear weapons. Despite these rules it is well known that German scientists were developing extremely virulent strains of smallbox, cholera, typhoid and other diseases to be used with the V2 rockets against Great Britain, as well as refined chemical agents for infiltration into water systems. There was also a division of the German intelligence service that was working on extra sensory perception and its use as an aid to weaponry.

Both of these latter groups were specifically targets of British assets under an agreement between Churchill, Stalin and Eisenhower, principally because during 1944 Churchill had been personally involved in ESP experimentation and magical practice with groups established by Aleister Crowley. It was well known that Britain was second only to Germany in esoteric research. Furthermore, the British work on biological and chemical weapons was similarly more advanced than anyone else other than Germany as a result of combined chemical and alchemical research and developments in the pharmaceutical and petroleum industries. The trilateral agreement was established such that the US, Russia and the UK knew that the greatest threat after Germany was China, and that in order to prepare for another World War they would need to work together closely. In order to protect the knowledge that there would be another global conflict within 100 years it was further agreed that an elaborate pretence would be established that Russia and America would take opposing ideological stances and give the impression of being antagonistic to allow China to appear to operate under the radar. This was of course nonsense as is seen by the collaborative efforts on supposedly secret military projects between the two superpowers. One only has to look at the similarities between the UK, US and Russian supersonic airliners of the 1960's and '70's, the identical engine designs of high altitude spy planes, the ability of US space craft to dock with Russian craft years before there was official cooperation to begin to see this.
So, the US and Russia worked on rocketry, space research and advanced energy weaponry whilst the UK worked on biological and chemical weapons and esoteric and ESP weapons, the three overall creating a military power bloc that offer a dominance that prevented China from pressing its numerical advantage far earlier. The fact that we are still seeing posturing from the Soviets and US over minor territorial squabbles suggests that the time is not quite right for the lie to be revealed but it can't be too far away.

Strange purchasing requirements from UK Government

It is amazing what you can glean from keeping an eye on government procurement requests. Since these started to be published online as part of a European requirement for competitive tendering there have been one or two that catch the eye. Just a couple of weeks ago a small unit within the Home Office department put out a tender request for hazmat (hazardous materials protection) suits. After a bit of investigation the requirement turned out to be for a significant number of these suits, delivered into London by the end of June and that these were required to be suitable for medical staff engaged in a biohazard contamination scenario. These are the kind of situations where a contagious disease has to be contained, and patients treated in quarantine. On its own this isn't such an unusual request. Most hospitals have some basic hazmat facilities and equipment, particularly in large population centres around international airports, these being common disease vector hubs with people arriving from all over the World. What was interesting in this case was that although this individual request looked pretty innocuous, at around the same time, there were requests from three other units from three other departments, all seeking equipment that would be useful in the event of a biological disease outbreak.

Now, it could certainly be the case that with the upcoming Olympic games in London, this is just a fairly reasonable precaution given the number of overseas visitors this event will attract. Disaster preparedness specialists have long been aware that global events like this are prime nodes for the spread of disease, and there has been plenty of analysis into how this can be planned for and managed. Still all looks reasonable, but the fact that these requests were coming from multiple sources rather than being integrated flagged up that it was worth further investigation. A conversation with a couple of contacts within regional government gave an interesting insight. Back in May there was a major exercise involving police, fire, medical and military units which involved sealing off an area of South London for 24 hours, establishing roadblocks, overt and covert surveillance, house to house investigation and traffic management around a closed zone. Shortly after this there was another less obvious exercise in the Brecon militarised zone, an area of mid-Wales that is used for special forces exercises. This second event was primarily focused on dealing with civil disorder, and unlike previous similar exercises it involved advisers who had experience of the use of military and particularly live ammunition group control and lethal force scenarios.

This is the first time such exercises have been developed for UK based military resources, and when tied to the tenders suggests that there is intelligence of a credible threat around the Olympics. It appears that the threat is biological in nature, and thinking back two years there were reports out of the former Soviet territories of Ukraine and Azerbaijan of research facilities being plundered for both chemical and biological agents, and these being distributed to key underground groups. It is also interesting to note that given the media interest in Iranian biological weapon development this could be an ideal opportunity for a false flag operation to create an excuse for military action against Iran. Whether real or false flag, expect to see further military operations in the Middle East before the end of 2013.

Monday, 25 June 2012

The truth of the Tunguska incident

In 1908 in the forested wastes of Siberia in Russia there was an unusual event that is still raising questions today. A bright light was seen travelling across the sky at high speed, witnessed by several local herders and hunters and people in two local villages. Shortly after the light passed over the horizon there was a large flash followed by a tremendous sound of thunder. On following the path that the light had travelled the first people to reach the site discovered a large area of forest where trees had been blasted flat in a roughly butterfly shaped pattern. There was no clear evidence of burning and no obvious impact crater, although it should be noted that the area is highly swampy in nature and pock-marked with small pools and sink holes. It also has an underlying volcanically active geology. Within six months expeditions were carried out to the region from institutes in Moscow and St Petersberg but any reports from these expeditions have been lost through the Russian revolution and the first and second World Wars.

The first reported expedition was in 1921 by Leonid Kulike and even this late after the event the area was still widely devastated, with photographs still showing the trees blown flat. Analysis of the blast pattern, the damage to the trees, the impressions on the ground and the witness reports suggested that the event had been caused by a meteorite exploding in the atmosphere above the region. The only problem is that this leaves one or two questions unanswered, and doesn't entirely satisfy all of the researchers. The first key question is the size of the explosion. Based on reconstructions using both physical and computer models the blast has been estimated at 10-15 megatons of TNT or approximately 1,000 times more powerful than the bomb detonated over Hiroshima in 1945. In order to create such a blast the meteorite would have to be in the order of 100 tons in weight and approximately 10 metre cube in size. These are uncommon meteorite sizes and some have questioned whether a rock of this size could have detonated as an air burst. Then there is the question of a complete lack of debris of any sort. It has been suggested that even if a meteorite was completely vaporised in the atmosphere there would be some trace element precipitated to the ground. The composition of space based meteorites is distinct from terrestrial rocks in terms of isotopes and this should have been detected.

With little, if any physical evidence Tunguska is an interesting example of scientific analysis prematurely dismissing possible solutions to unusual phenomena. A computer model of this case demonstrated that a meteorite of the correct size at the correct angle would create the destruction pattern demonstrated. It was duly reported that the case had been solved, and the ead scientist appeared ona number of news shows and documentaries announcing this conclusion, right up until the point that a journalist asked the question “So, professor, if you are putting all the numbers into the computer, if you used different numbers could you get the same result another way?” To which the answer was of course, “Well yes, I guess you could”. Just because a computer model says it is so, that doesn't make it so. Worth remembering.

Misinformation conspiracy

One of the biggest problems faced by anyone trying to understand what is happening in the World is the sheer volume of often conflicting, and at times completely opposing sets of information described as facts. As an example, depending on which media outlet you favour you could today have been told that genetically modified food is perfectly safe, and at the same time is not safe at all. Both can not be right, what with them being mutually exclusive. So how do you establish what information is correct and what is not? The first step in this process is establishing an understanding that there are very view absolute facts, and even fewer truths. This is the case whether the source of information is official, say a government, or completely unofficial, like an internet chatroom. There are a number of reasons for this and it is probably worth spending a few moments thinking about some of them. Firstly, the World that we live in is tremendously complex, and in many fields we have yet to develop a complete understanding. If we take a subject such as climate change there are wide discrepancies between the conclusions reached by scientists using the same data. In part this is a consequence of an incomplete understanding of the way in which the global climate operates. It is a similar story with conclusions about the global economy for broadly similar reasons.

Secondly the information and data that is available to be analysed is often not complete. A goof example of this was the analysis that was used to justify UK and US involvement in the invasion of Iraq. Data that had been gathered suggested that the Iraqi leadership had access to weapons of mass destruction, but it transpired that this data was incomplete, and in fact had been manipulated. Then we have the problem of personal agenda. In the majority of cases data is analysed by human operators, and as the poet said, to err is human. Not only can and do mistakes happen, but personal opinions and beliefs can also have an effect both in the way data is analysed but also in the way it is presented. A recent example of this was the presentation of data relating to tax avoidance schemes by UK based corporate businesses. One of the HMRC tax officials involved in the case was married to a senior accountant within a corporate structure. Consequently this official presented the data in such a way as to suggest that it was a minor oversight rather than active fraud.

You can begin to see that getting to the heart of what is going on around the World can be quite difficult, but does this mean that everything that goes on that may not be completely above board is a part of a conspiracy? I would suggest not, but finding out whether there is something more to uncover or not can be done. The first step is to follow the money. Does an individual, or organisation stand to directly gain from a conspiratorial plot? Then you can look towards a motive for conspiracy. What reason could there be for a conspiracy? It could be secrecy, protecting individuals, groups or nations. It may be because it is easier than revealing the truth, or revealing a lack of knowledge. If there is a clear benefit, and a strong motive it is almost certainly worth investigating further and trying to find whether or not that cover up you found is really a conspiracy or just basic human stupidity. Either way, finding out is worth the effort.

Sunday, 24 June 2012

Artificial intelligence conspiracy

Ask anyone in computer science or psychology about artificial intelligence (AI) and they will tell you the same thing, namely AI is at least twenty years away and will almost certainly require the development of quantum computing in order to become reality. This is slightly at odds with reports leaking out of IBM's super secret New Mexico research centre. Unlisted on any IBM documentation and unknown to any IBM staff below senior VP level this facility comprises two supercomputers that are significantly higher performance than the Sequoia computer that the public is aware of. Sequoia tested at 16.32 petaflops/second making it the fastest computer generally known. Rumours suggest that the New Mexico facility, known as the Gonzalez project (after the cartoon mouse) is running at 10x this speed. The suggestion that quantum computing is required for AI is a conceit based on a misunderstanding of the way in which human intelligence works. We have an idea, propagated by the media, that the human mind is essentially an organic computer, receiving sensory inputs and producing specific outputs. This is incorrect for two reasons. Firstly computers operate based on a set of instructions, without instructions the computer does nothing, with incorrect instructions the computer produces incorrect results, a phenomenon known as Garbage In Garbage Out (GIGO). The human brain does not operate in this manner. Secondly computers operate by sequentially processing series of data, the human mind processes simultaneously.

In order for AI to operate successfully the computer needs to be able to function independently of programming, or to at least be able to re-write its own programming to modify operation. It also needs to be able to adapt and change connections, internally re-wiring itself to adapt to changing needs. Finally it needs to be able to operate without recourse to an external operator. None of these requirements is a condition of quantum mechanics, but is beyond currently public technology. Of course, what is public knowledge is not the same as what has been developed. Working with neuro-biologists, linguists and psychologists IBM has created software which is capable of evolving over time based on experience. This is the first step in true AI, a computer that can learn. In order to achieve this the machine has been programmed initially to solve complex mathematical modelling problems that involve multiple variables and have already happening in the real World. Each time the computer establishes a model it is tested against the real World result and the discrepancies highlighted. Unlike a standard computer modelling system the process of refining the mathematical algorithms driving the system is not done by human programmers but is done by the computer itself. Initially this was in response to a complex set of sub-routines that created rules against which the computer judged its models and made adaptations to the algorithms based on these rules.

The breakthrough came when researchers programmed Gonzalez to apply its rules for successful modelling to its own sub-routines establishing a self correcting protocol for software development. The system initiated fourteen changes to one of its climate modelling algorithms creating a 32% improvement in accuracy over pre-programmed models suggesting that the computer was able to learn and develop. This is only the first step in a much longer project, but if the reports are correct, this has tremendous potential for computer aided improvements to societal issues. We will have to see what happens next.

Government plans for alien contact

It has long been established that many governments have put in place contingency plans for first contact with an advanced extra-terrestrial civilisation often based on collaborative work between physicists, biologists, anthropologists and psychologists. What is less well known is that there are multiple plans, dealing with a wide range of potential outcomes. Many of these are highly classified as a result of the anticipated reaction if they reached the public. The official reason for multiple plans is that every possibility must be anticipated, both from the point of view of the differing approaches of alien visitors, and from the possible response of the public. The real reason is somewhat more challenging and stems from work carried out by Russia and America in the 1960's in preparation for the lunar landings as part of the space race. Throughout the 1950's and '60's there were multiple launches of probes and satellites to establish the feasibility of manned exploration of space, and particularly manned missions to other planets. In carrying out this research a discovery was made that has been suggested by several leading writers but never officially confirmed.

In 1964 following the loss of a lunar satellite American astronomers were shocked to receive a radio transmission originating from the lunar surface . The transmission was a series of mathematical notations starting with binary sequence before moving on to a series of trajectory calculations for a flight from a point on the lunar surface to a point in South America deep in the Amazon rainforest. A decision was taken to investigate the location and a previously unrecorded Mayan temple complex was discovered. The carvings on the temple were unlike those found on any other Mayan site, being written using the standard pictograms that have still not been successfully interpreted but additionally in a mathematically based language that matched closely to the recently interpreted Minoan language linear A. When this language was decoded it revealed a history of multiple interactions between humans and several alien species over a period of 40,000 years. What this made clear was that these species had a variety of agenda from assisting human development to enslavement to annihilation of all life on the planet.

Based on these writings and the continued radio signals new plans were introduced to prepare for aggressive contact. These plans involved the development of energy weapon technologies, laser defence systems and electromagnetic weapons. These weapons were created using technologies provided by a collective of alien species who were acting in the interests of humanity against aggressive species. This collective became know as Watcher group Gamma, listed in reports at the time as WG, sometimes mistaken by researchers as the initials of a covert intelligence asset. The development of the “star wars” satellite defence program was a part of this planning, as was the creation of the HAARP atmospheric shielding system. In order to retain the secrecy of this information it became essential that the cold war was extended beyond its natural range and that co-operative planning between Russia, the US and China was hidden behind apparent conflict. In reality there has been a concerted multinational effort to prepare for an aggressive contact late in 2012.

Sometimes the truth really is stranger than fiction.

Strange reports from the Olympic Village

In just over a month the eyes of the World will be on London, England as the UK hosts the Olympic games. There have been a number of strange reports coming from people involved in the preparations, some that are perhaps understandable, some which are decidedly odd. As you might imagine, security is tremendously high with several military groups being co-opted to assist. Overtly we have the deployment of surface to air missile installations on several key rooftop locations, backed up by and linked to radar facilities providing 360 degree cover around London. We also have increased surveillance cover both from enhanced CCTV cameras and from the British army close support group using remotely controlled helicopters and drones. There have also been a series of secret exercises involving British and American special forces units including hostage retrieval exercises and hijacking scenarios. These are pretty much as would be expected in an age of global terrorism, but the preparations go beyond this. Alongside the radar installations are some additional equipment pods which are rumoured to be ultrasonic crowd control devices developed by DARPA, the US high tech defence development group. These operate by producing a pulsed ultrasonic tone that is intolerable to human hearing.

Alongside these are a couple of other high tech installations that are less obvious. As part of the development of the Olympic village the apartments have been build over a far deeper set of foundations than the buildings require. The same is true of the stadia, and in addition the electrical services being added to the London grid have a significantly higher capacity than is required to power the events. Getting any information on these developments is extremely difficult, the blueprints and design and build reports being classified, officially to protect athletes and spectators, but reports from construction staff suggest that there could be up to five levels of sub basement under these new structures. The fitout of these levels have been outsourced to two companies that are not listed as official suppliers to the Olympics and appear to have been set up specifically to service this one contract. Access to areas of these sites has been restricted since the initial construction phase, and materials are delivered at night in unmarked trucks. People who have witnessed these trucks being unloaded say that the contents are similarly unmarked with no tracking labels or company branding.

Certainly, an event on this scale would be an ideal opportunity to conduct large scale tests of new crowd control technologies, and there are stories coming out of China after the last Olympics that Chinese Intelligence operatives carried out several covert operations under cover of the 2008 games including hacking of communication networks and infiltration of broadcast signals with pro-Chinese subliminal messaging. The current suggestion is that some of the equipment being shipped in to London was created as part of Project Bluebeam, a CIA plan to use holographic projection equipment to create a globally significant event, possibly a false flag alien encounter at a point when viewing figures are at their highest, during the 100 metre final for men. What is certain is that this is the first global event at which all communication will be monitored, all e-mail, phone calls, text messages and instant messaging correspondence will be tracked, decrypted and analysed, and the first at which fully integrated monitoring of all attendees will be a matter of course. It will be interesting to see what happens given the coincidence of the timing of the 7/7 underground bombings the day after London won the games in the first place.

The anti-freedom conspiracy – Part I – Background reading

It is generally accepted that from the earliest development of settled communities it was necessary for the community to be organised and controlled by a leadership class. The concept pervades every branch of thinking about community, not just in humans but expanded out into nature from insect nests to wolf packs. The problem is that this is rather more about anthropomorphising animal groups than about reality, and is based on pattern recognition which is highly prone to inaccuracy. If you make the effort to view the World dispassionately and without reference to societal norms what you see is rather different. Lets start with one of the most often used examples in nature, the bee colony. The mainstream view of a bee colony is that the colony is organised by the Queen who through pheromone messaging gives orders to the rest of the colony which are carried out to the benefit of the colony as a whole. This makes a certain sense when looked at in a cursory fashion but fails to stand up to analysis since it relies on the Queen having the ability to plan and develop strategy when this is patently not the case. Even if we consider that the Queen is merely acting in response to environmental cues this still suggests a level of interaction which is simply not possible. The reality is rather more prosaic. In the colony each individual acts autonomously in the best interest of the individual. The consequence of this is that a colony which is populated by successful individuals is a successful colony and is more likely to expand than one in which individuals are not successful. The interaction between individuals operating as a collective is irrelevant.

More of a challenge to analyse is something like a wolf pack. With higher mammals it is less easy to dismiss the anthropomorphising on the grounds that the capacity to plan is absent. Clearly, higher animals are well able to establish strategies and to formulate plans, but does this necessarily equate to the assumption that groups of animals act collaboratively because of the actions of a leader? It may seem likely on initial investigation, particularly when viewing the actions of a pack of hunters, but again, all of the activity can be explained by individuals acting in their own best interests, successful individuals leading to a successful group, without the need for the individual to be managed, or told what to do. The same can be suggested for human societies. There is no fundamental need for a leader role within human societies if we move away from the mindset that individuality is the same as selfishness. We can move away from this because it simply isn't true. Going back to the animal Kingdom we see many examples of individuals operating together without any formal structure simply because co-operative effort is more effective for each individual than operating alone.

Despite this we have a situation where we are consistently told that leaders are essential. We are told that the earliest small hunter gatherer groups were controlled by a single leader, and that as we settled down this leader transformed over time to a concept approaching kingship. As communities came together and expanded the role of a leader, or king became embedded as a necessity and any other possibility was rejected. Supposedly as societies expanded further the complexity of those societies required an expansion of a ruling class, advisers chosen by the ruler to act of their behalf, the earliest politicians. From here the structure expanded and became ever more complex until the concept of a single leader was replaced by a ruling group, demonstrated by the general move to replace monarchies with elected and unelected parliaments depending on political flavour. In reality this lends further credence to the argument that this is all a fiction, because 500 years ago the idea that a society could operate without a monarch would have been laughed at, yet here we are today. If we don't need monarchs, does that allow us to question whether we need leaders at all? Of course, that would leave us with anarchy, and we have been conditioned to fear anarchy above all else.

The real global power structure

In order to understand the way in which the World is controlled it is essential to analyse the position and purpose of each component within the organisational structure. The biggest issue in doing this is the sheer volume of disinformation and secrecy around the structure specifically designed to hide the true story. To pierce this veil of secrecy it is necessary to go back into prehistory and the dawn of civilisation, and to understand that the history we are taught, the history that we have evidence for from archaeology and anthropology are a part of the smokescreen, and therefore needs to be reassessed. Officially human development began in earnest some 400,000 years ago with an evolutionary shift amongst early hominids to create a new strain, modern man. During this period there was territorial crossover and competition between at least four species of hominid, namely Neanderthal, modern human, late Australopithecus and Indus. Each strain had its niche and was able to co-exist, and did so until approximately 15,000 years ago when modern man made the jump from hunter gatherer to farmer, allowing for a more settled existence and the development of civilisation. From a point before this, the competing hominids has gradually lost ground and been surplanted.

It is pretty clear that this is by no means a complete story, and doesn't even explain the evidence that is in the public domain, particularly the evidence for travel amongst early human societies, the colonisation of Australia and South America 60,000 years ago being perhaps the best known, and the discovery of 40,000 year old palaeolithic tools of a European style in North America. The truth is rather stranger than this story would suggest. Taking into account the petroglyph evidence globally, and the unreported discoveries of earlier settled agrarian societies across China, India and Central Africa and South America it becomes clear the at a point approximately 50,000 years ago something happened to the hunter gatherer modern human to cause a significant technology jump. This event was the arrival of an extra terrestrial race of advanced beings who selected and genetically modified early humans and provided advanced tools and technology allowing the removal of the three non-assisted species listed earlier. The purpose of this intervention was to create a technological but subservient race and to prepare the way for a takeover of the planet at some undefined future point.

This extra-terrestrial race arrived in a craft created from a planetoid, as has been discussed in a previous article, giving rise to the Sumerian and East Indian creation stories, this craft utilising hyperspace tunnelling to cross interstellar space. In order to keep this information secret and to control human development correctly to bring this plan to pass it was considered necessary to establish a ruling elite to guide and manage development, and to prepare the planet and population for later integration into the stellar Empire. The core of this elite is a group of extra-terrestrials left behind as caretakers. Having a life expectancy far beyond humans, in the order of tens of thousands of years it was clear that this groups would be unable to directly interact with humanity and would need to remain hidden. To this end a base was established in the Antarctic, concealed below two miles of ice sheet, and a network of human intermediaries was established. These intermediaries were a group of twelve families, the secrecy being secured by blood bonds, these having been built into the genetic modification previously carried out and enhanced by the creation of myths, version of which are found in Greek, Roman and Viking cultures, blood ties being of considerably greater importance than any other.

These twelve ruling families set up the next level of control, secret societies based around key technological advances, the craft guilds which have a far longer history than is generally accepted. These guilds protect their own secrets based on the principle of commercial advantage, again a concept that was designed in the humans at a genetic level, and each guild protects the link to the ruling families by ensuring that no more than three members at any time are aware of the link. The secrecy of the link between the ruling families and the true masters is protected by ensuring that the guild leaders are unaware of the link, so even if the secrecy of one guild is broken it appears nothing more than a commercial organisation with no deeper ulterior motive. The guilds operate to orders established by the ruling families, and each guild controls a network of sub-groups which form the controlling interests behind global corporations and political groups. The implication of this is that the groups that appear to be our leaders, politicians and business interests are actually four steps down the chain of command from the true masters, who are themselves merely caretakers for yet higher powers.

Each level of this structure will be analysed in greater detail over a series of coming articles, and will demonstrate that the history we know is nothing more than a fairy story to keep us from understanding our real purpose.

The latest secret orders to senior masons

Reports are coming in of a new set of orders being delivered to 33rd degree Master Masons in the US, UK and Germany. These are the first new orders for six months and are being interpreted as preparation for a coming challenge. The purpose of 33rd degree masons within the ruling elite is to organise and manage the rank and file mason members and to follow the edicts from the true masters. In recent orders there has been a move to encourage junior masons to remove savings from bank accounts and to invest in precious metals in preparation for the coming collapse of the banking system. These new orders are specifically aimed at identifying masons who are able to provide additional useful resources through the businesses that they either own or are intimately involved in. Specifically the Masters are looking for contacts who are engaged in metal fabrication, engineering, water and sanitation, pumping and underwater salvage. As with many previous orders it is possible to glean some ideas about the strategy and the plans of the elite from the requirements.

It was clear from the orders to withdraw savings that the banking sector was slated for collapse, and these further orders strongly suggest that following this collapse it is expected that society itself will collapse. The salvage aspect of the orders makes very interesting reading, as when this is combined with reports coming out of Alaska and the HAARP weather control project it appears that the collapse will be timed to coincide with severe weather events and widespread flooding. The latest HAARP tests have been in enhanced Arctic ice melting so further sea level rises may also be planned. So, we have new, and unanticipated orders, bearing in mind that orders are normally not presented at the solstice since this is not an auspicious time for change, and these orders strongly suggest societal difficulties and natural disaster. The combinations of evidence give cause for concern that plans are having to be brought forward ahead of correct schedule. The only possibly reason for this is new information reaching the Masters.

What this new information could be is highly debatable but given the timing so soon after the Venus transit it would make sense that it was linked to the latest cycle of Solar activity, itself being modified in preparation for the establishment of the hyperspace node ahead of the arrival of Nibiru in December. It could be coincidental but NASA has in the last two weeks altered the positions of the LASCA (Large Automatic Solar Communication Array) satellites, and data coming from the solar observatories has been classified and not released for the last seven days. Things are certainly accelerating, and minor adjustments are to be expected, but it appears that the overall plans, to destroy national freedom, and personal wealth within three months, creating global emergencies within four months and having a new global power in place by the beginning of December are still in place, and that the arrival of the Star Masters, the Annunaki will occur as planned on the 21st of December.

The next step in the process will be the breakup of the Euro currency bloc, a series of floods and extreme weather events and the rise in power of a charitable disaster relief organisation, which will draw on United Nations resources. Lodges are gearing up for this, and it is likely that property portfolios will be liquidated over the next three months. Interesting times indeed.

Saturday, 23 June 2012

If the Euro goes what happens to the Dollar?

Continuing the series on the economic woes in Europe there are reports from the Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti that serious decisions need to be taken over the next week in the run up to the European Summit on the 28th and 29th of June if there is to be any hope of saving the Euro. One of the biggest decisions will be over the power of the European Central Bank (ECB) to come to the aid of nations who are struggling financially. This would bring the ECB in line with the Federal Reserve in the US and the Bank of England in the UK in terms of what support the bank can offer. The push from Italy, Greece and Portugal is expected to be that the ECB will need to have the power to increase the supply of money into the economic system, essentially printing more oney to cover national debts. The problem with this is twofold at least. Firstly it potentially weakens an already struggling currency on the global markets at a time when for countries like Germany this could be disastrous, and secondly this would go against Germanys stance that countries in the Eurozone must use sound fiscal planning rather than quantitative easing to reduce their indebtedness, the austerity measures that are at the heart of the issues over successful negotiation of the delicate period.

It is being argued that Germany can only act in its own interests given the pressure that the whole economic area is under and there is a serious risk of a complete collapse of the Euro. The results of this for Europe are relatively well defined, and whilst dramatic, may not be the worst possible outcome, but what has yet to be addressed is the consequence globally. The biggest impact is likely to be on the US financial system. As was seen in 2008 when a largely American banking crisis had a profound global impact, the American currency and its banking systems are so inherently linked through operations and trade agreements with Europe and particularly with the Euro, that damage in Europe could easy shatter what little confidence there is in America, precipitating the global economic collapse that many are predicting. So, what can we expect if the Euro begins to fall? The only solution for America would be to allow European banks to fail in order to protect themselves, thus leaving the European Union to fall apart. This would almost certainly lead to widespread unrest across Europe on a scale significantly larger than that already seen in Greece and Ireland, and a likely move by the Arab nations to capitalise on the crisis and establish a stronger foothold in Southern Europe effectively recreating the Ottoman Empire.

With the current tension between Syria and Turkey, highlighted by the shooting down of a Turkish F4 fighter jet by the Syrian military, and Turkeys continued funding of the Free Syrian opposition movement this expansion from North Africa would seem highly likely. Any move in this direction would shift the balance of power globally away from Nato and towards a three power system of the US, China and expanded Arabia. The tension that this would create would put increased pressure on Israel whilst at the same time reducing American influence in the Middle East and pressurising them into withdrawal from Iraq and Afghanistan. Given the recent posturing by Putin this could be an opportunity for Russia to renew its antagonistic stance towards the US, almost certainly using existing links through Eastern Europe into Northern Turkey.

Things could get pretty heated pretty quickly unless something is done to hold Europe together in the face of increasing difficulty.

Corporate price collusion

One of the richest veins of conspiracy thinking is the realm of corporate multi-national business. You'll note that I don't say conspiracy theory, because whilst there are unproven theories in the corporate World there are plenty that are not only well established but that it appears some corporate operators are actually proud of. We have already briefly touched on corporate tax avoidance in a previous article, and another area that has been established over the last twenty years through a series of court cases is the phenomenon of price fixing. The reason that conspiracies around corporations are so readily accessible is that there are very often crossovers at board level between competitive companies, particularly in fields where specialised knowledge is at a premium, such as pharmaceuticals and finance. Where there is crossover, technically there should be no dissemination of sensitive information between competitive companies, but how often is this really the case. In the UK we have seen court cases regarding the operations of large pharmaceutical companies colluding to fix prices offered to the National Health Service (NHS) thereby breaching competition laws, but it goes further than that.

What many people don't realise is the reach that these large companies have. They not only supply their own products and services but are behind supply to other smaller companies. They exert influence at the highest political levels and reach into education, health, the military, in fact almost ever aspect of modern life. Let us consider one company in particular, active in many aspects of the petrochemical industry. Haliburton is one of the largest companies in the World, funding political campaigns, research, education, economic development and healthcare amongst many other things. One of the key areas of growth for the company has been rebuilding in the Middle East after the Gulf War and the invasion of Kuwait, as well as being active in South America. Where this becomes interesting is not simply the influence in the corridors of power, but the information coming from rivals British Petroleum (BP) and ESSO who at a recent government committee meeting revealed that they had agreed a division of the work following the Gulf War in Iraq before the war had happened. Not only was this evidence of price fixing, but it also strongly suggests that the decision to go to war was not necessarily purely a decision taken by politicians.

This level of influence and power being held by corporations who are not responsible to anyone but their shareholders and whose overwhelming commitment is to profit rather than ethics is at best questionable, but seems more likely to be yet another example of a part of the global conspiracy in the form of the military-industrial complex. The question that remains, and one that will be answered in upcoming posts is “Who is really controlling these corporations?” which may seem an odd question, given the power of these businesses, but if you analyse their behaviour and their choice of partners and operations you see some very odd choices that actually make little if any commercial sense, and end up costing the business rather than generating profit. You'll be amazed at the way this story develops, and just what uncovering the collusion and tracking the flow of money ends up revealing. Watch this space.

The truth about FEMA camps

Around the United States and extending across many parts of the World outside the US there is a network of former military bases that are still classified, and are still guarded by contractors known to work on Government projects. Recently there have been reports of increased activity around a number of these bases, and official and unofficial increases in funding for the Federal Emergency Management Authority (FEMA). FEMA has an interesting position in the US, being a civilian authority backed by military resources provided under legislative directives signed under the Bush administration, some of which are also classified. Since the Iran-Contra hearings in 1987 it has been understood that there are a range of contingency plans of which FEMA are an integral part, to ensure the continuity of the Federal Government in the event of a major disruption to American life. The specific aspect that came to light during those hearings was REX84 after the 1984 readiness exercise carried out by the US military and government bodies, but it was also established that this was only a small part of a much large set of contingency plans.

A large proportion of the work carried out by FEMA research groups working with other security agencies has been in establishing internal and external threats to the US, from terrorist and military threats, to economic and political groups and even religious groups. Since the Hoover era the FBI and CIA have been monitoring individuals and groups both internally and externally that posed potential risks. Hoover famously kept files on a tremendous number of individuals and engaged in blackmail based on those files, but that was just the start. Evidence exists of plans to carry out large scale incarcerations of American citizens, on a scale that is hard to imagine but as an example, a plan from the 1960's gave a credible account of how easy it would be to incarcerate 21 Million African Americans in the event of racial unrest. The plans have been developed far beyond that level more recently. There is, of course, precedent for this from the Second World War when Japanese and German American immigrants were arrested and placed in internment camps on military bases, but the scale and intensity of recent operations suggest that this is becoming more of a consideration. This is backed up by the interesting failure of one of President Obamas pre election promises, the closure and investigation of Guantanamo bay. The fact that this promise has been broken suggests that FEMA and the intelligence community has more power than you might think.

So, why might this be the case? The answer almost certainly lies in part in the location and structure of these camps. Many are on remote former military bases, both within the US and globally, and what these sites tend to have in common is that they are very difficult to get to unless you are specifically going to them. They are not en-route between locations, so access to them can be very closely monitored. The remoteness also allows for the possibility of limiting the ability of people outside the military to monitor activity. It is interesting to draw parallels with some of the concentration camps in Nazi Germany, and the use of remote Siberian prison camps by the former Soviet Union for political prisoners. Remoteness allows all sorts of activities that may be unacceptable for those not taken, although when these camps are used this may not be the highest priority any more. It will be interesting to see where this goes, and to gain an insight into the watch lists, started by Hoover but expanded way beyond anything he could have imagined. We now know that over 100,000 people were tracked and monitored in the 1950's as being a threat to the US. Today that number is thought to exceed 100 million and rising. Frightening times ahead folks.

Further evidence of the coming banking collapse

Following on from my earlier post on the inevitability of a second banking crisis this weekend is seeing a very unusual situation at the three banks that make up the Natwest banking group. It appears that a computer glitch has caused widespread disruption to peoples accounts with deposits and withdrawals not being registered correctly and people unable to make withdrawals from cashpoints. Bank branches are being opened over the weekend to help, but the timing suggests that something more is going on. If we start from an understanding that there are still major problems in the banking system, something that is generally accepted with bank ratings being downgraded and the Euro still in crisis then the possibility exists that there may be a rather more serious story behind this issue. The first thing to note is that whilst any computer system is vulnerable to technical difficulties, the computer systems used in banking are very highly regulated and are subject to continuous monitoring and checking. This is a legal requirement, and is actioned by the financial services authority (FSA) and the Bank of England (BoE) in the UK. Consequently it is unlikely that this is a simple error, or that it would cause this level of disruption if there wasn't something more behind it.

What could that be? Well, what if a decision was taken that large scale bank failures were an inevitability? What if the governments of the US and Europe had established that the only way out of the crisis was to let banks fail? What if they genuinely believed that there was no way to save the banks this time? Wouldn't they consider the implications of this to the public? Wouldn't they plan for public unrest and the possibility of full scale revolt? Would they perhaps try to shift the blame away from themselves as legislators and on to the banks which are going to fail anyway? If they were thinking in this way, how could that be achieved? How do you create a situation in which banks which the public have used for their entire lives, that they rely on for holding money, paying bills, providing mortgages and so on were no longer trustworthy or viable? One way would be to set up a series of events that over time reduced peoples opinions of the stability and security of banks. You could certainly imagine that if people kept having problems with banking services, with getting access to their money, there might be a move by those people to find alternative means of looking after their money themselves, you might see a steady withdrawal of money and closing of accounts rather than a panic run on the bank, until such point that the bank ran out of money.

Wouldn't this also create an opportunity for a movement that created a “new” form of banking? Something globally based perhaps? Of course, if the banking sector collapses, there is every likelihood that currencies would follow suit leaving the way clear for some kind of replacement, again perhaps on a global scale. No-one ever said that the New World Order would be established by force of arms. How much better for the elite if we, the public were placed in an engineered position that they actively chose this solution? It would certainly save a lot of effort, and leave a subservient population ready to do the bidding of their masters. It sounds like turkeys voting for Christmas to me.

Secret weapons of the intelligence community

If you have a need to get rid of someone inconvenient and you are a government there are all sorts of ways that this can be achieved. Start by thinking James Bond, then really let your mind run wild. Lets start with a couple from Mother Russia. Viktor Yushchenko, Ukrainian presidential candidate and leader of the opposition party in 2004 suddenly became very ill with acute pancreatitis after a meal, and on investigation by toxicologists it appeared likely that he had been poisoned by TCDD dioxin, a component of Agent Orange. How about Alexander Litvinenko, again suddenly becoming seriously ill, investigation finding that he had been poisoned by ingesting the radioactive isotope Polonium 210 after defecting to the West. The former Russian secret service operative had revealed information about corruption and illegal activity in Russian politics. Of course Russia has a long history of political assassination going back to the killing of Rasputin, the advisor to Tzar Nicholas, and continuing through Lenin and Trotsky.

So, what about in the more media sensitive West? Surely such nefarious acts couldn't happen in the UK or Europe or USA could they? Think again. This time lets start with a slightly more technical method, the Boston brakes technique. Developed in Boston by American intelligence services this technique requires the fitting of microchips to a target vehicle which when activated effectively take control of the vehicle remotely and allow the operator to cause the vehicle to crash. Jorg Heider the Austrian right wing political leader and HRH Diana, Princess of Wales both died in car accidents that bore the hallmarks of something very odd happening. If you want to stick to the poison theme, how about Bob Marley? The Rastafarian singer died of cancer which started in his toe, which is somewhat unusual, and it could well be coincidence that the CIA have a known technique of embedding a small copper pin in footwear, laced with a carcinogenic agent, designed to prick the toe when the footwear is first used, the agent taking years to work, thus rendering discovery extremely unlikely. There is an even better way of hiding an assassination plot though. How about if the assassin didn't know that they weren't acting consciously? Manchurian candidate anyone? It is widely known that the CIA was involved in mind control experiments in the 1950's and '60's, as were the Chinese and Russian intelligence communities. Recent evidence suggests that the John Lennon and John F Kennedy assassination and the Virginia Tech massacre were carried out by victims of mind control amongst others.

There is more of course. How about a heart attack gun that leaves no external evidence of an assassination but looks exactly like a natural heart attack. There are two ways of achieving this. The first has been in use since the 1960's and involves shooting a biodegradable dart laced with a cardiac toxin, leaving at most a small insect bite wound, but more recently there have been developments in the use of high frequency sound waves and electromagnetic interference weapons have given a even less detectable solution. How about the integration of toxins into food and water in undetectably small quantities? Ever wonder why homeopathy is so deeply shunned by the mainstream medical establishment? It works on the same principles, distillations of toxic compounds to the point where they are no longer toxic or detectable to treat illness. It works, so why not use it for harm rather than good? If you are that way inclined of course.

Whatever the method, whatever the technological development, one thing is clear. There are still cases where evidence suggests that there may be security service involvement in the deaths of people who simply get in the way. It makes you wonder what they are getting in the way of, and indeed what else is happening that is kept a closely guarded secret.

Friday, 22 June 2012

The real reason GMO crops aren't labelled on food

The area of research into the development and use of genetically modified organisms is a real hot topic amongst both the pro and anti lobby with all sorts of stories, myths and rumours flying around and any number of reports from both sides that often contain directly contradictory information. Officially there is no need to label food that contains genetically modified crops because they have been tested and approved as being safe for human consumption. What is far more likely is that it is understood by the development companies that there is a level of fear amongst the public that GMO crops are far from proven safe and that labelling will have a serious adverse effect on sales. However even this doesn't ring completely true. Lets look at the history of similar cases from recent history. A good start point is the introduction of dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) an organochlorine insecticide that was introduced as an agricultural pesticide in 1946, having been used to prevent typhus and malaria during the second World War. DDT had first been synthesised in 1874 but its insecticidal properties weren't discovered until 1939. Its use in agriculture was widespread throughout the 1940's, '50's and into the '60's becoming almost ubiquitous. In 1962 Rachel Carson published a book called “Silent Spring” detailing the environmental impact of DDT and its resilience in the foodchain. This prompted further research into its effect on human populations, the results of which led to DDT being banned in the US in 1972 and in Europe shortly after. Now, it should be noted that DDT was highly effective as an insecticide, but it had been released to market before being fully tested in long term studies.

A second similar story is found in the history of the sedative drug Thalidomide. The drug passed safety and efficacy testing and was used to treat morning sickness during pregnancy amongst other conditions from 1957. It was only after reports of high numbers of serious birth defects in the late 1950's and early 1960's that further research established that Thalidomide was the cause. Thalidomide is still approved as a drug but is not used where pregnancy is a possibility. In both of these cases there is commonality in that chemicals that had been tested and approved later turned out to have serious consequences. Now bear in mind that the effects of introducing something new into the environment can take ten years to demonstrate consequences, and that a substance in the food chain that had an adverse genetic effect might take two or three generations to demonstrate, or fifty years plus in human populations. It begins to become apparent that the possibility exists that the impact of genetically modified crops has really not yet been proven, nor will it, until it is too late.

The cost of development, and the return on investment demanded by the development companies is such that to wait fifty years for approval for use would be impossible, so we have a choice to make. We either decide that GMO will not be released into the environment and food chain until fully tested, no matter what cost in terms of food production, or we accept that we are taking a risk and accept that we have to live with the consequences of that risk. The problem with either of these courses of action is that it is not us, the public who are making those decisions, but our political leaders, who time and time again have demonstrated that they are not necessarily acting in our best interests. I guess we will just have to see what happens over the next fifty years, but if it all goes wrong, the court cases will be spectacular, but of course no-one involved in introducing these organisms will be alive to see them, so that's ok.

Two tier education conspiracy

Plans are afoot here in the UK to turn back the clock on the examination system for secondary education at age sixteen to the position last seen in the 1980's. For the last 25 years there has been one exam that all students take, the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) with grades from A* down to U. The GCSE was introduced to replace a system whereby children were streamed based on ability with higher achievers taking O levels and lower ability students taking CSE exams. Educationalists had long argued that this system was creating a generation of students who were immediately at a disadvantage simply as a consequence of the examinations they had been directed to take. Undoubtedly there have been issues that have arisen with the newer GCSE exams, particularly as they have been modified over time. When first introduced they were specifically designed to challenge students of all abilities whilst offering the best chance of maximising performance. Each subject was marked based on coursework completed over two years followed by a final examination. The combined marks representing the grade achieved. This was modified to reduce the amount of coursework required and to change the format of the examination from a mix of short answers and essay answers to a multiple choice format.

The result of this is that OFSTED the UK government inspector of schools produced a report criticising the changes made to GCSE exams and highlighting a reduction in difficulty in them over time. From the OFSTED report it was clear that changes needed to be made to the system, but the response of the education Secretary Michael Gove MP seems somewhat strange. Rather than review and modify a system which offers a level playing field to students he has decided to revert to the previous two tier system. Under this system children will be assessed throughout their school career and at age thirteen will be streamed to either higher or lower examinations based on their performance. This returns us to the position found 25 years ago that was deemed unacceptable. It also devalues those students who have recently been awarded or will shortly receive GCSE passes. Essentially, what Mr Gove has done is to suggest that GCSEs were a failed experiment, that they were unfit for purpose, thereby devaluing them beyond retrieval. The way in this has been leaked to the press renders opposition to it moot, since the existing exams will be seen as highly questionable.

This whole process highlights a fundamental problem at the root of education, not just in the UK, but in the US and Europe as well. Rather than attempt to understand the reasons that GCSE's have been made easier and easier, and why more and more students are struggling with basic Mathematics and English there is a move to scrap it and move on. Once again decisions are being made based on false assumptions and unsubstantiated evidence that children are born with a range of intellectual abilities and that some children are more suited to vocational type qualifications than to academic ones. This has consistently failed to be proved, and it seems far more likely that differences in childrens ability are a function of environment and an inability of an underfunded education system to provide equal opportunity to all children given the differing needs in terms of teaching styles and methods of engagement. Would it not make more sense to start from a premise that all children are capable of achieving educational success and trying to understand why this is not happening? The reasons will be found to be many and various but surely this will be a better start point than constantly trying to tweak the end results, the examinations, to hide the real problem.

Yet more banking conspiracy

Today the Bank of England Financial Policy Committee is preparing to encourage banks to lend more money in an effort to boost the economy by reducing the requirement for the banks to hold large reserves of cash. Now the first thing to bear in mind is that this comes on top of earlier quantitative easing by the Bank of England. Now, I'm no expert on the banking system and its processes. My formal schooling in economics only went as far as a bachelors degree, and I've never worked in a bank, but I'm pretty certain that there are some rather more familiar terms for what is being proposed that are conspicuous by their absence. I'm pretty certain that quantitative easing used to be called “Printing more money” and was pretty much universally frowned upon by economists because it essentially devalued the currency and caused price driven inflation. Guess what? Yup, the UK is experiencing price inflation. Funnily enough, on this same thing, isn't reducing the need for banks to hold large buffers of cash also called fractional reserve banking? And hang on a second. Didn't we decide that was a pretty bad idea because if there is a run on a bank and it doesn't have reserves the bank collapses? Um, and doesn't a drive to fuel the economy on credit actually make the debt crisis worse?

You may remember my recent article on why I think a second banking crisis is inevitable. Well folks, this has just made it an awful lot worse. Moodys have just downgraded UK banks, reducing public confidence in them, and now the public is being made aware that the banks aren't going to have to keep their money in the safe. That sounds like an exercise in seeing just how far you can push the public before they snap. Aside from the whole issue of dishonesty from the Bank of England in suggesting that the reason banks aren't lending is because they have no liquidity, an obvious nonsense, you really have to question the motives here. Banks have plenty of liquidity to lend far more than they currently are, but are choosing not to simply because they don't see an adequate return on their investment/ Don't believe me? Try and get a loan at less than 10% interest. I used to be offered loans every time I went into my local branch at 6% but not any more. What this tells me is that banks are able to make more money on higher return investments than loans, and are quite happy to do that rather than lend to drive the economy.

What this also tells me is that as far as the banks are concerned the economy is tanking and only getting worse. Why do I say this? If the banks were confident of the economy picking up they would be far more ready to invest in businesses because the investment would be relatively safe. If banks believe that businesses will continue to fail and unemployment will rise then lending has a poor risk to return ratio. So, based on what the Bank of England are saying, and what the banks are doing, I'm sticking my neck out and making a prediction. Things may be bad now, but they are going to get a lot worse yet, and don't expect to hear about it anywhere else. The language of economics has been changed. Think Orwells 1984 doublespeak, and remember, nothing it what it seems, but if you want to know the truth, follow the money. Look at where the banks are investing, and more importantly where they are not, and tell me where you think the risks of calamity are too high.